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American Sign Language
M.A. in Sign Language Education
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About the MASLED Program
The Department of American Sign Language offers a Masters degree in Sign Language Education abbreviated as MASLED. This program is designed to prepare future sign language teachers, who will provide exemplary leadership in the sign language teaching field. Students will be introduced to key theoretical and methodological issues involved in sign language instruction including curriculum development, assessment, and incorporating Deaf culture into the language curriculum. In addition, students will undertake a teaching practicum and internship under the supervision of a Cooperating Faculty. An electronic portfolio is required at the completion of the program, which represents the culmination of the student’s academic performance.
MASLED Program Outcomes
Graduates from the Masters program in Sign Language Education will:
MASLED Program Overview
MASLED is a 15-month hybrid program. Students begin the program mid-May online, then arrive on campus for required face-to-face courses approximately mid-June through near the end of July. The fall and spring semester courses are entirely online and do not require on-campus presence. The program offers some face-to-face options for students who wish to remain local on-campus. Local students may want to consider applying to the graduate Certificate in Deaf Studies program in addition to a Masters degree in Sign Language Education. The final semester of study begins during the second summer online in mid-May and requires on-campus presence approximately mid-June through near the end of July for an August graduation.
MASLED has partnered with the American Sign Language Teachers’ Association (ASLTA) to award all Master in Sign Language Education graduates a Certified Level certification from ASLTA. ASLTA is a national professional organization of American Sign Language and Deaf Studies teachers. A certification by ASLTA is seen as a gold standard for qualified instructors, giving our graduates a competitive edge.
杏吧原创’s M.A. in Sign Language Education program is not designed to be a licensure program. It is possible that the degree and specific courses taken might count toward licensing requirements in some states. Additionally, states may not require licensure to work in the field. If you are seeking employment in K-12 school settings, you should contact your state office of licensure and certification to see if our program meets their requirements.
Summary of Requirements
Program Equipment
Studying in the MASLED program involves two important components:
Please contact the program for an updated list of required and recommended equipment at
*Equipment specifications subject to change.
Typical Program Schedule
Summer I (Hybrid - Online, then On Campus) (15 Credits)
ASL 709: Sign Language Media Production can be waived with extensive media, film and editing experience. Contact us for more details at
Visual media has changed the way we communicate. With the advent of new tools and platforms, possibilities of publishing has proliferated, allowing a wider discourse of ideas to be shared with a vast audience. This course explores these opportunities and will introduce students to the tools and skills necessary to produce digital media. Through a hands-on approach, this course will allow students to capture, import and edit digital video in a variety of platforms and genres. Students will participate in a workshop approach to hone their skills at ''writing'' through digital media.
Matriculation into the M.A. program in ASL & Deaf Studies or permission of the program coordinator.
This course involves a comprehensive review of current sign language linguistics research with emphasis on how such sign language linguistic research shapes sign language education. Through a literature-based and data-centric approach, students will investigate linguistic structure of signed languages in different areas including phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and discourse. They will then explore how such investigation has been incorporated into the sign language teaching literature and methodology.
This course focuses on principled approaches to developing and implementing classroom methods and strategies for language teaching. It also investigates linguistic, psychological and attitudinal factors that influence student-teacher interaction in the classroom. The course examines in detail the most important teaching methodologies that have evolved over the past thirty years. Following a thorough analysis of each methodology, in terms of its theoretical justification and supporting empirical research, students will endeavor to teach and learn some aspect of a sign language through the implementation of each of the methodologies.
This course examines philosophical and historical roots of language teaching curricula through the lens of sign language teaching. Students will learn about the theoretical complexity of curriculum design intersected with the visual nature of signed languages and the diverse, multicultural nature of Signed Language communities. Curriculum design theories and approaches, systematic and sequential development involving needs assessment, lesson planning and evaluation will be covered. Students will study different Sign Language curricula and have opportunities to develop lessons and units within a curriculum.
This course examines factors involved in developing and administering an assessment of Sign Language students' linguistic proficiency and socio-cultural competence. Topics include the role and function of assessment, assessment validity, assessment reliability, the use of measurement instruments, current approaches to assessing language learning, and an analysis of current tools for testing Sign Language skills and knowledge. Students will develop samples of assessment tools.
Fall I (Online) (7 Credits)
Candidates with extensive experience may request to forgo Practicum by submitting an application, however, an Internship is required. To be eligible to submit an application, one must:
Deadline for the Practicum waiver is July 1.
In addition: Students who meet the criteria and are eligible to submit an application must procure and provide their best sample lesson plan, syllabus, and assessment tool. They also must obtain grades of A- or above for their first Summer courses.
This course is a required professional field experience in the Sign Language Education program consisting a minimum of forty-five (45) observation and/or assisting hours. During this experience, the practicum student observes (and when appropriate, assists) sign language education. A required seminar is conducted regularly to review theoretical and practical applications of teaching, lesson planning, activities and assessment techniques. An important component of this course also includes preparing for the upcoming student teaching internship.
ASL 724, 741, 743, and 750 or equivalent courses; a B grade or above is required.
This course is designed to prepare students for the academic, sign language teaching job market. Students will develop tailored job application documents such as cover letters and curriculum vitae. Essential resources in searching and screening potential teaching positions will be covered along with effective strategies for a successful interview process.
ASL 709, 724, 741, 743 and 750; or permission of the program coordinator.
This course introduces students to the acquisition of a native language by young children (L1 acquisition) and acquisition of a second language after childhood (L2 acquisition), with a focus on sign languages. The first part of the course covers the important milestones of normal L1 development in phonology, morphology, syntax and pragmatics for both spoken and signed languages. The course also explores how delays in exposure affect the acquisition process, related to the main topics of the second part of the course: critical period effects and L2 acquisition. Readings and discussion throughout the course will reflect the perspective that acquisition studies on a broad variety of languages, both signed and spoken, are crucial for developing accurate theories of language structure and use. Application of concepts from lectures and discussion is developed through student analysis of L1 and L2 data.
For UG students: LIN 301, 302; for MASLED GRAD students: B or above in ASL 724 or permission of the instructor and MASLED program coordinator; for other GRAD students, permission of the instructor.
Spring I (Online) (7 Credits)
This course is devoted to developing a comprehensive electronic portfolio where students will integrate multiple academic projects and assignments completed during the program into a professional website to generate a significant presence in the field.
This course covers language planning and policy in transnational and national sign language communities. A commonality among these communities is that the natural signed language of deaf communities are often threatened by majority languages. Language policies vary, and successful (and not so-successful) activism will be studied. This course will include a study of four main components of language policy and planning: attitude, corpus, acquisition, and status planning. Connections will be emphasized between applied language planning in sign languages, settings in which linguistic advocacy takes place, and theoretical and empirical research in language acquisition and learning.
ASL 724, 741, and 743 or equivalent courses; or permission of the instructor.
This course is the final professional experience in the Sign Language Education program and is a required field experience consisting a minimum of forty-five (45) consecutive teaching hours. During this experience, the student teacher is mentored by a cooperating faculty and by an university supervisor. Students with extensive sign language teaching experience, and with approval of the department, may undertake an on-the-job internship placement. A required seminar is conducted regularly to share teaching challenges, celebrate successes and to exchange useful teaching techniques.
ASL 752; a B grade or above is required; and program consent/approval.
Summer II (Hybrid - Online, then On Campus) (12 Credits)
Program Electives
*ASL 709 and ASL 752 may not be required for students with extensive media, film, and editing experience and/or extensive teaching experience.
Students in this course will analyze the integration of history and culture in sign language teaching curricula. Language is often taught with cultural and historical anecdotes. The history and culture of the Signed Language communities and Deaf people are very rich and diverse. Decisions behind choosing which historical and cultural content to include in Sign Language courses will be analyzed as well as theoretical implications of history and culture as a separate course of study within a language curricula.
Matriculation into the Masters in Sign Language Education program or permission of the program coordinator.
This course covers an introduction to research and is designed to develop student ability to locate, review, and critically evaluate sign language-related research studies. In addition, students will be introduced to quantitative and qualitative research methodology and concepts including reliability and validity. Research ethics, particularly for Signed Language communities will be explored. This course also includes techniques on how to develop a reciprocal relationship between research and practice.
Matriculation into the Masters in Sign Language Education program or permission of instructor
With the advent of non-traditional approaches to learning, including online and hybrid teaching, this course examines the role of electronic elements in enhancing pedagogical methods of sign language education, curriculum and classroom. Digital tools are especially more paramount with visual-spatial languages such as signed languages. This course will explore integration of video-based tools into the curriculum as one way to teach and assess signed language acquisition and development. Students will be encouraged to engage in a critical examination of various theoretical schools of thought regarding digital pedagogy.
This course will introduce students to the most commonly-used research methods in Deaf Studies, particularly textual analysis, and ethnographic interviews. Students will be guided by the instructor in the processes of developing research questions, methodologies, data collection and analysis.
Students must be matriculated in the Deaf Studies MA program.
This three credit course is designed as a guided research course to support students' progress with their individual thesis research topics and methodologies within the field of Deaf Studies. This course is the second of two courses that provide students with experience in preparing their thesis proposals. Students will select their methodology, conduct a literature review, gather preliminary data if applicable, and complete the necessary steps to gain approval for their data collection procedures, such as IRB approval and CITI certification. Students will be introduced to ethical conduct in research, the Institutional Review Board procedures, and grant writing. They will complete and defend their thesis proposals at the end of this course.
DST 700
The course serves as an introduction to graduate study in Deaf Studies. Students are guided in reflecting on the past, present, and future of Deaf Studies scholarship. Exploring the historical trends and debates in Deaf Studies, we seek out foundational questions about deaf lives and communities, including identities, power, culture, and framing from interdisciplinary perspectives. Leading with stories and lived experiences, students connect theory with practice in preparation for subsequent courses within the Deaf Studies Master's Program. The course also aims to develop critical reading and writing skills important to graduate level scholarship.
Matriculated in DST MA Program
This course begins by exploring key issues faced by minority language communities, with special emphasis on the world's linguistic diversity, language endangerment, and revitalization. After gaining a broad understanding of the dynamic intersections of language, culture and power, students will examine the historical role of language ideologies relating to signed languages, beginning with classical thought and continuing through the formation of deaf education in the 18th century and the medicalization of deaf bodies in the 19th and 20th centuries. In the end, students should be able to identify and explain intersections of philosophical, linguistic, educational, medical, scientific, and anthropological discourses which influenced the vitality of sign languages and deaf communities in the 21st century. Developing awareness of this phonocentric heritage helps to equip students in developing strategies for linguistic and cultural revitalization of sign languages and deaf communities.
This course is designed as a thorough exploration of the literary practices influenced by cultural traditions in the deaf community. Attention will be given to the unique face-to-face nature of signed literature and its numerous traditional forms as well different types of cultural productions, including online media. Students will become versed in the stylistics, poetics, and cultural contexts of signed literature in its live as well as video-text formats.
This class will explore the historical, medical, social, political, philosophical, and cultural influences that have constructed the categories of ''normalcy'', ''disability'' and ''deafness''. Building on the writing of Michel Foucault and critical work in the field of disability studies, this course will inquire into the institutions that have enforced standards of normalcy, throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries to the present. Primary attention will be paid to the rise of medical authority in the West, the history of eugenics, and contemporary bioethical issues confronting disability and deaf communities.
This course focuses on the field of inquiry known as Critical Pedagogy, which examines the role that education plays in shaping and transmitting the ideology of those in power. This course also inquires into the use of education as a means of resistance and emancipation. Particular focus will be given to the disparate conditions relating to the education of those populations considered to be in the margins, i.e.,class, race, ethnicity, gender, and disability.
This course links theory with debates and issues central to contemporary deaf lived experiences situated in locations throughout the world. This course draws from foundational texts in the social sciences and humanities, as well as more recent theoretical directions and avenues of inquiry in Deaf Studies. Throughout this course, we will consider major theoretical perspectives as they have been applied in Deaf Studies. These perspectives will be discussed in terms of their historical precedents and their applicability to contemporary deaf lived experiences. Our aim is to understand the ways in which Deaf Studies scholars use specific concepts, their paths of inquiry and methodology, as well as contemplate future directions for scholarship in Deaf Studies. We will keep returning to the same question: where is-or could be-Deaf Studies today and how does-or could it-work as critique? In short, we will be critiquing Deaf Studies and thinking of it as critique in itself.
Permission of the Department
This course investigates the role of vision and the senses, sensory practices and sensory politics in the deaf community through its visual-tactile nature. By drawing on new theoretical approaches in the study of the senses, this course will explore representations and visual culture, the theory and the politics of sensory perceptions; and the cultural practices of architecture, museums, memorials, film, video, sign literature and resistance art. Through discussions, projects, and presentations, students will gain and articulate a critical understanding of the role of the senses in art and deaf space within a phonocentric world.
This course focuses on an analysis of relevant U.S. laws and policies when it comes to sign language rights, particularly for young deaf children. Topics include: legislative process, writing of state and federal regulations, power of position statements/policy papers, and an analysis of federal and state laws. Students will learn about community mobilization in the context of sociopolitical movements, with practical use of framing arguments for public consumption.
Students must be enrolled in the Deaf Cultural Studies Master’s Degree program or permission of the instructor.
This course traces the development of the human rights of deaf people within the wider context of the emergence of the concept of universal human rights after WWII. The formation of international institutions such as the United Nations, and the growth of international nongovernmental organizations dedicated to human rights work has allowed non-state actors significant opportunities to develop and use human rights tools to protect particular minorities. The emergence of the concept of linguistic human rights has been applied to signing communities and the concept promoted in the Convention on the Human Rights of Peoples with Disabilities. The concept and the Convention will be examined in depth and applied to the linguistic human rights of contemporary Deaf communities.
Students must be enrolled in the Concentration in Language and Human Rights or permission of the instructor
This course will provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the contemporary transnational Deaf public sphere. Students will study the origination and spread of international meetings among Deaf people and the concurrent formation of transnational Deaf networks. Students will study key concepts and review case studies in transnational studies which will then be used to interrogate the nature of interconnections between Deaf communities across the globe.
This course provides a multicultural perspective of community organizing for social change in parallel in understanding the deaf community's past and ongoing campaigns for equal rights from an advocacy perspective. Topics covered include organization structure, politics, ethics, inclusion, systematic challenges, and more.
Enrolled in the Deaf Studies MA program
See the M.A. in Sign Language Education Requirements here
The employment of ASL Professors is expected to grow by a 5.7% rate from 2019-2029, with an average annual salary of $88,490. about career opportunities in Sign Language Pedagogy.
Associate Professor
Adjunct Faculty I
MASLED Summer Program Specialist
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