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Requirements for a major in Secondary Education Applicants who are interested in Secondary Education are admitted to our program. Applicants must meet the admission requirements for full admission to Secondary Education to enroll in the professional sequence of the teacher preparation degree programs. The admission process includes two steps: 1. Pre-Admission Review: Applicants must:
2. Interview:
Applicants who the Program Committee interviews will either: 1. be accepted into the program and take the Praxis II Content Knowledge test the following semester. 2. not accepted into the program — applicants can re-apply the following semester.
For continuation in a teacher education preparation program, an education major must maintain a cumulative degree average of 2.75 or better, with a B or higher in education courses and a C+ or better in all pre-major, pre-professional, and related elective courses.
Summary of Requirements
Requirements for a Major in Education in Secondary Education
Applicants who are interested in Secondary Education are admitted to our department. Applicants must meet the admission requirements for full admission into Secondary Education in order to enroll in the professional sequence of the teacher education degree programs. The admission process includes two steps:
1. Pre-Admission Review: Applicants must:
162 or better
Applicants who are interviewed by the Undergraduate Admissions committee will either:
1. Be accepted into the program
2. Not accepted into the program — applicants who are not accepted can re-apply the following semester.
For continuation in a teacher education program, an education major must maintain a cumulative degree average of 2.75 or better, with a B or higher in education courses, a C+ or better in all pre-major, pre-professional courses, as well as a 2.75 content major GPA.
Required Pre-Major Core courses 21 credits
An overview and study of contemporary trends, problems, and issues in general education in terms of educational philosophies, types of educational programs, the relation of education to the individual and society, and curriculum and instruction. Some consideration of the relevance of regular education to special education and education of deaf and hard of hearing students. Discussion of organizations and agencies related to education.
This course is designed to provide students with a foundational understanding of the theories, research and literature in the area of language and literacy acquisition and learning. Students will examine their own beliefs and processes related to language and literacy acquisition and learning. This course will prepare students for subsequent courses that address literacy teaching and learning in the classroom and the home courses.
EDU 250 and LIN 101
The course addresses the application of psychological principles to the educational setting. Topics include learning theory, cognition and memory, individualized instruction, human development, intelligence, creativity, exceptionality, motivation, discipline, and measurement and evaluation.
PSY 101
An introduction to the major features of languages and to the structure, use, and variation in the sign languages and sign systems commonly used in the United States. The course will cover four major topics: (1) Language: The nature and definition of languages, the uniqueness of language, and contrasts between language and other forms of communication; (2) Language and Culture: The role of language in human society, with special focus on language acquisition, language identity, and bilingualism; (3) American Sign Language Structure: A survey of the major features of the linguistic structure of ASL. Topics are: Phonology: the structure of the physical signals; Morphology: the basic structure and composition of meaningful units of ASL; Syntax: word order and nonmanual syntactic signals in ASL sentences; (4) Language Variation: Language variation and language contact in the deaf community, including discussions of contact varieties of signing and systems for representing English.
Qualifying performance on the English assessment screening and passing ASL screening.
An introduction to the scientific study of human behavior, providing an overview of the major issues, methods, and contributions of psychology. Content areas include development, language, learning, cognition, physiological psychology intelligence, and abnormal and social psychology.
GSR 102 or the equivalent
This course examines physical, emotional, social, cognitive, and language development from conception to the end of childhood. We will analyze the complexity of factors that contribute to developmental outcomes, including transactions between genetic and environmental factors. Developmental theory and research evidence will be used to address the well-being of children in the US and around the globe, with specific attention to inequities related to race, class, language, and culture.
C or better in PSY 210 or EDU major
A study of developmental processes in adolescence. Included is the study of puberty and the intellectual, social, moral, emotional, religious, sexual, personality, and family transitions occurring during this period. Emphasis is given to the influence of the above changes on personal identity and current problems of the adolescent in American society. Also included is a discussion of levels of aspiration and vocational choice.
C or better in PSY 210
Professional Component 31-34 credits
Must be accepted to the Education program to enroll in these courses [See Admission Requirements above]
In this course, the Undergraduate Education program students spend at least 36 hours serving and aiding teachers in a public school program. This course will address integrating content (Language Arts and Social Studies) and require students to apply what is learned in the previous coursework to practicum situations in school sites. Regular group seminars are held to discuss, analyze, and reflect on educational topics related to teaching. This course prepares students for a subsequent student teaching experience.
An Approved Student Teaching Application and permission of the department.
This course will familiarize students with the nature and importance of curriculum in education for diverse students from K-12. The course also provides an initial experience in integrated curriculum planning with respect for diversity. Current theories of assessment, curriculum, instruction, and learning across diverse educational settings and cultures are applied in the classroom laboratory settings. Content assessment and evaluation that reflect individual differences in the candidate areas(s) of study are emphasized.
Admission to the program or permission of the program director.
This course is designed to familiarize students with various educational technologies. Students will learn how to use, troubleshoot, and integrate technology into their instruction. Emphasis will be on presentation, collaboration, and the organization of technology tools to support student learning.
EDU 600 and admission to the program.
This course prepares teacher candidates with the basic techniques for observing, documenting, and interpreting the development and behavior of young diverse learners from PreK to 12th grade. Candidates will apply their knowledge in child and adolescent development to utilize child observation and assessment strategies and documenting methods to gather information on development and learning and to make inferences for education planning based on the information gathered. The emphasis in this course also includes culturally relevant and equitable assessment strategies.
This course is the final professional experience in the secondary programs and is a required field experience in a school classroom for a period of at least ten weeks under the supervision of the classroom teacher (cooperating teacher) and a University Supervisor. During the course, the student will take responsibility for planning, teaching, and evaluating all aspects of the classroom program. A required seminar is held weekly on campus for purposes of common problems and/or concerns, and exchange of useful teaching experiences.
An approved student teaching application and permission of the Program Director
This course for PreK-12 teacher candidates provides an integration of literacy, theories in literacy and research for diverse learners including ASL-English bilingual learners, English language learners, struggling readers and writers and students with disabilities. In this course, candidates will expand their knowledge and appreciation for literature and evaluate a range of print and non-print media appropriate for all learners. They will experience first hand the reading and writing process and reflect on effective practices in teaching literacy. Candidates will also apply instructional strategies related to reading and writing during micro teaching activities in class.
This course is designed to familiarize students with the identification of exceptional children in terms of developmental needs, interpretation of assessment data, development and evaluation of appropriate intervention strategies for the regular classroom teacher, and legislation in special education. This course will prepare teacher candidates to work with children and youth with a broad range of disabilities and educational needs. Topics will include understanding disability; understanding principles of legislation and curriculum and instruction; establishing positive learning environments; and working collaboratively.
Admission to the program or permission of the program director
The student teaching seminar is a capstone course in which student teachers in the Undergraduate Education Program meet regularly as a group to discuss, analyze, reflect upon and resolve classroom issues that occur during their full-time internship experiences with hearing students. This course is designed to be taken in tandem with Student Teaching. Students will be participating in student teaching at various clinical sites every weekday for 10 weeks. Educational topics related to assessment, classroom management, certification, portfolio development, and related areas are covered in depth.
Choose one course in consultation with the department 3 credits
In this course, teacher candidates explore and apply research-supported trends and curriculum in secondary English language arts instruction with diverse, English Language Learners (ELL), and special needs middle and high school adolescents. Topics covered in the course include professional standards for learning and teaching the pedagogy of secondary English language arts instruction in a technologically-advanced world, formal and informal assessment and evaluation, personal literacy development, and reflective professional engagement. Candidates read and respond to young adult literature across a range of genres, and create a macro-unit that includes reading and writing micro-lessons. The course should be taken concurrently with fieldwork dedicated to middle or secondary education (Grades 6-12).
EDU 601
This course is a literacy intensive course that concentrates on curriculum trends, teaching techniques, and appropriate media for teaching social studies in middle and secondary schools today. The course stresses the topics include: the social science disciplines in relation to social studies, simulation activities, instructional planning, evaluation, multi-cultural education, inquiry skills, and how to deal with controversial social issues in the classrooms.
EDU 600
In this course, teacher candidates will learn about the current curriculum, contents, materials, and methodologies utilized by educators in the secondary school science class. The teacher candidates will explore methodological principles and apply them by developing lesson plans, science portfolio, activities, and projects. Observation, laboratory activities and participation in a field experience are included in this course. The teacher candidates will learn science by doing science using (FOSS) Full Option Science System.
Students will learn about the current curriculum, content, materials, and methodologies utilized by educators in the secondary school mathematics curriculum. Students will explore methodological principles and apply them by developing lesson plans, a mathematics portfolio, activities, and projects. Observations, hand-on activities and participation in a field experience are included in the course. Students will learn mathematics by doing mathematics using National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Principles and Standards for School Mathematics.
For English Majors Only 3 credits
An in-depth study of children's literature primarily for early childhood and secondary education majors. Focuses on the evaluation, selection, and sharing of children's and young adult books in instructional settings. Participants will read, respond to, and evaluate picture books and chapter books of various genres. Emphasizes the identification and teaching of literary elements in context, strategies for sharing books with children, and the importance of using authentic children's and young's adult literature in schools.
Choose a content major program from the following:
Students will complete field experiences in conjunction with the courses below. These field experience hours do not count in the summary of requirements for the specialization. Students will be required to pay a fee for suitability background checks prior to their initial field experiences in the program. The courses with field experiences include:
EDU 651: 30 clock hours
杏吧原创 is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) and recognized by the U.S. Department of Education as a Title IV approved institution. The 杏吧原创 B.A. Education: Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, or Secondary Education program is accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Preparation (CAEP) organization. The program is also approved by the District of Columbia State Education Agency (SEA) and licensed by the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC). In compliance with the U.S. Department of Education and the District of Columbia Higher Education Licensure Commission (HELC) requirements for participation in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (NC-SARA), 杏吧原创 provides information pertaining to this program and teacher educator licensure within each of the U.S. states and territories. This program is designed to meet the educational requirements for teacher educator licensure in the District of Columbia. If your intent is to secure licensure outside of Washington, D.C., then BEFORE beginning 杏吧原创's program, use the drop-down list below and select the state or territory in which licensure is intended. This will help you determine whether Gallaudet has obtained confirmation from the state or territory to formally identify whether the Gallaudet B.A. Education: Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, or Secondary Education program meets, does not meet or cannot be confirmed as meeting the educational requirements for licensure.
杏吧原创 is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) and recognized by the U.S. Department of Education as a Title IV approved institution. The B.A. in Education: Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, or Secondary Education program is accredited by the Council...
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Associate Professor
School Director
Dual Enrollment Manager
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B.A. or B.S. in Education with a Specialization in Secondary Education: Science, English, Mathematics or Social Studies