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M.A. in Early Childhood Education and...
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Additional Program Admission Requirement
Pass for Praxis II Early Childhood Education Content Knowledge
Program Requirements
To complete the Master of Arts in Education: Teacher Preparation Program and be recommended for dual licensure in the District of Columbia, candidates must satisfy the following requirements:
This program leads to DC Licensure. If you are seeking licensure in another state you are responsible for checking into their reciprocity policy.
Summary of Requirements
Summer 1
EDU 600 and EDU 620: Denotes courses that are not required for students who have previously taken them (or their equivalents) and passed them with a grade of B or higher. Although most methods courses are indicated, at least two methods courses must be taken at Gallaudet.
This course is designed to provide the students with the knowledge of the specific linguistic structures and introduce them to basic similarities and differences in the linguistic structures and uses of American Sign Language (ASL) and English. Examining categories from a universal perspective, the linguistic contrastive analysis is accomplished by focusing on: phonological and morphological processes, syntactic properties, discourse types, word classes, and linguistic variation in Deaf and Hearing communities in the United States. Also, the students will examine the basic phonological, morphological, syntactic, and semantic features of ASL and English. Application of the instructional ASL/English linguistics and structures in the classroom and activities will be presented. Students will develop activity plans, and adapt and implement the methodologies and materials used in ASL/English learning to the needs of the individual Deaf/Hard of Hearing child.
Admission to the program or permission of the program director.
Theories, research, methods, and perspectives pertaining to the development of auditory/oral skills in deaf and hard of hearing children and youth. Knowledge of the development, improvement, and /or maintenance of auditory/oral skills in an interdisciplinary bilingual educational environment.
Fall 1
EDU 624: Denotes courses that are not required for students who have previously taken them (or their equivalents) and passed them with a grade of B or higher. Although most methods courses are indicated, at least two methods courses must be taken at Gallaudet.
This course provides an introduction to the field of early childhood education. The course will include the study of the foundations of early childhood education including: theories, models, evidence-based practices, issues and developmentally appropriate practice. In addition, the course will address the role of the teacher, families, and other professionals in supporting young children (ages 3-8).
Pre- or co-requisite: admission to the program or permission of the program director.
This course emphasizes developmental learning environments, materials, and experiences for teaching young children, birth through preschool. Focus will be on curriculum based in home-school interactions, as well as the integration of language arts, reading, science, social studies, mathematics, and creative expression. 20 hours of related field experience required.
EDU 620; and admission to the program or permission of the program director.
This course is designed to familiarize students with the identification of exceptional children in terms of developmental needs, interpretation of assessment data, development and evaluation of appropriate intervention strategies for the regular classroom teacher, and legislation in special education. This course will prepare teacher candidates to work with children and youth with a broad range of disabilities and educational needs. Topics will include understanding disability; understanding principles of legislation and curriculum and instruction; establishing positive learning environments; and working collaboratively.
Admission to the program or permission of the program director
EDU 707
This course focuses on developing knowledge, skills, and dispositions in creating and maintaining meaningful collaboration among home, school, and the community for diverse learners (from birth to 21 years old) and their families. The course prepares students to achieve collaborative and respectful relationships with student's family and community as valuable contributors to the educational process. The course also includes developing knowledge in multicultural education and culturally pluralistic educational practices for all students. 25 hours of related field experience is required.
Admission to the Department of Education or the consent of program director.
This course provides directed observation and participation in various educational programs; directed visits to schools and classes; and seminars focusing on these experiences and on professional, instructional, and child-related topics. Experiences include visits to general education, deaf education, early education, or bilingual programs in the metropolitan area surrounding 杏吧原创. This course will also acquaint candidates with current trends and issues, and research in the education of Deaf and hard of hearing learners of all ages, including historic and current objectives, techniques, and results. Candidates are challenged to rethink their conceptualization of ''Deaf education'' as well as ''general education'' based on their perceptions of their own cultural dimensions. The course typically is taken in the first semester
Matriculation into the program
Spring 1
EDU 626: Denotes courses that are not required for students who have previously taken them (or their equivalents) and passed them with a grade of B or higher. Although most methods courses are indicated, at least two methods courses must be taken at Gallaudet.
This course focuses on developing knowledge, skills, and dispositions in creating and maintaining meaningful collaboration among home, school, and the community for diverse learners (from birth to 21 years old) and their families. The course prepares students to achieve collaborative and respectful relationships with students' families and communities as valuable contributors to the educational process. The course also includes developing knowledge in multicultural education and culturally pluralistic educational practices for all students. 25 hours of related field experience is required.
This course for teacher candidates specializing in early childhood provides an integration of literacy theory and research, content-based instructional practices, and assessment and evaluation cycles for diverse learners including ASL-English bilingual learners, English language learners (ELL), struggling readers and writers, and students with disabilities. In this course, candidates explore in depth an integrated approach to the study of early childhood literacy, curriculum building, methods and materials for literacy instruction, including language development, reading and writing.
EDU 600; EDU 311 or EDU 601; and admission to the education program, or permission of the program director.
This course emphasizes developmental learning environments, materials, and experiences for teaching young children, 6 to 8 years of age. Focus will be on curriculum based in home-school interactions, as well as the integration of all subject areas (social studies, mathematics, language arts, reading, arts, science, and physical education). 30 hours of related field experience is required.
Pre- or co-requisites: EDU 620 and admission to the program or permission of the program director.
An in-depth study of children's literature primarily for early childhood and secondary education majors. Focuses on the evaluation, selection, and sharing of children's and young adult books in instructional settings. Participants will read, respond to, and evaluate picture books and chapter books of various genres. Emphasizes the identification and teaching of literary elements in context, strategies for sharing books with children, and the importance of using authentic children's and young's adult literature in schools.
This course is the second of three pre-professional field experiences in the Department of Education practicum/seminar series. It is designed to build on the knowledge, skills, and experiences of previous and concurrent coursework and lead to the terminal and capstone student teaching internship. Special emphasis is placed on the candidates' developing skills in reflective observation of best instructional practices, assessment strategies as they align with instruction, multiculturalism, diversity among hearing, deaf, hard of hearing learners in a range of educational settings (general, special, deaf, and bilingual), technology to support learning, behavior management, working with families/caregivers, and working within professional teams.
EDU 785
Fall 2
This course addresses literacy instruction through a bilingual and ESL instructional methodology in general bilingual education and their application to a diverse group of deaf and hard-of-hearing children. Students will apply the theories and instructional strategies they learn during their practicum experiences, and reflect on these applications through on-line, group activities, and assignments designed to promote the creation of optimal bilingual k-12 classrooms.
EDU 707; 311 OR 601; and EDU 621, 631 OR 641; Admission to the program or permission of the program director
This course provides synthesis of professional, legal, and ethical practices related to the provision of meaningful learning experiences for deaf and hard of hearing learners in array of educational programs. Current theories of assessment and learning across diverse educational settings are studied with a focus on deaf children and youth. Assessment and standards-based programming and evaluation are emphasized. Reflection and application of effective assessment practices are demonstrated through classroom and field-based experiences. IN meeting the standards of the following District of Columbia's state learning standards, the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) and the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), this course is designed to prepare candidates to teach K-12 learners.
EDU 600; Admission to the MA program or permission of the program director.
Pre- or co-requisite: EDU 670 Teaching Students with Disabilities
This course is designed to build on the knowledge, skills, and experiences of previous and concurrent coursework and lead to the terminal and capstone student teaching internship. Special emphasis is placed on the candidates' developing skills in reflective observation of best instructional practices, assessment strategies as they align with instruction, multiculturalism, diversity among hearing, deaf, hard of hearing learners in a range of educational settings (general, special, deaf, and bilingual). Emphasis is also placed on the use of instructional technology to support learning, behavior management, working with families/caregivers, and working within professional teams.
EDU 785 and 787
Spring 2
This course is the final professional experience in the early childhood education program and is a required field experience in a school classroom for a period of ten weeks under the supervision of the classroom teacher (cooperating teacher) and a University Supervisor. During the course, the candidate will take responsibility for planning, teaching, and evaluating all aspects of the classroom program. Candidates co-register for and attend a required weekly seminar held weekly on campus for purposes of common problems and/or concerns, and exchange of useful teaching experiences.
An approved student teaching application and permission of the Program Director.
The student teaching seminar is a capstone course in which student teachers in the Undergraduate Education Program meet regularly as a group to discuss, analyze, reflect upon and resolve classroom issues that occur during their full-time internship experiences with hearing students. This course is designed to be taken in tandem with Student Teaching. Students will be participating in student teaching at various clinical sites every weekday for 10 weeks. Educational topics related to assessment, classroom management, certification, portfolio development, and related areas are covered in depth.
Department approval, after completion of all other program requirements
杏吧原创 is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) and recognized by the U.S. Department of Education as a Title IV approved institution. The 杏吧原创 M.A. Education: Teacher Preparation (Deaf Education, Early Childhood Education & Deaf Education, Elementary Education & Deaf Education, and Secondary Education & Deaf Education) program is accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Preparation (CAEP) organization. The program is also approved by the District of Columbia State Education Agency (SEA) and licensed by the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC). In compliance with the U.S. Department of Education and the District of Columbia Higher Education Licensure Commission (HELC) requirements for participation in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (NC-SARA), 杏吧原创 provides information pertaining to this program and teacher educator licensure within each of the U.S. states and territories. This program is designed to meet the educational requirements for teacher educator licensure in the District of Columbia. If your intent is to secure licensure outside of Washington, D.C., then BEFORE beginning 杏吧原创's program, use the drop-down list below and select the state or territory in which licensure is intended. This will help you determine whether Gallaudet has obtained confirmation from the state or territory to formally identify whether the Gallaudet M.A. Education: Teacher Preparation (Deaf Education, Early Childhood Education & Deaf Education, Elementary Education & Deaf Education, and Secondary Education & Deaf Education) program meets, does not meet or cannot be confirmed as meeting the educational requirements for licensure.
杏吧原创 is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) and recognized by the U.S. Department of Education as a Title IV approved institution. The M.A. in Education: Teacher Preparation (Deaf Education, Early Childhood Education & Deaf Education, Elementary Education & Deaf...
(Is this program right for you? See chart.) Completed application form. See Application Instructions to learn how. A non-refundable application fee of $75. A minimum 3.0 grade point average (on a four-point scale) in all previous undergraduate and graduate study. (Occasionally, applicants with a GPA...
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Assistant Professor
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M.A. in Early Childhood Education and Deaf Education