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Information Technology
B.S. in Information Technology
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Upon completion of General Studies, pre-major and major core course requirements, students may choose from one of the concentration areas in Network/Database/Web, Cybersecurity, or Medical Informatics, or select a minor from other undergraduate programs at Gallaudet.
IT Major Internship Requirement
One summer or semester internship is required. Our in-house internship coordinator or faculty advisor will work closely with each student on internship preparation, placement, and follow-up.
Laptop and ACM Student Membership Requirements
IT majors and minors are required to have their own laptops.
Summary of Requirements
Information Technology Pre-Major Courses 12 credits
This is the first IT course for students who plan to major or minor in IT. The course and the lab provide the conceptual foundations in understanding technologies. Topics include: computer platforms of hardware and software; the Internet and the web, networking, enterprise computing, e-commerce, database management, information systems development, security, and computer industry and careers. It emphasizes uses and applications as well as emerging trends and ethical issues in the information technology field.
This course introduces fundamental concepts of computer programming. Students learn program logic, flow charting, and problem solving through analysis, development, basic debugging and testing procedures. Topics include variables, expressions, data types, functions, decisions, loops, and arrays. Students will use the knowledge and skills gained throughout this course to develop a variety of simple programs.
Pre- or co-requisite: MAT 130 or permission of instructor.
This course covers essential concepts in computer hardware with a focus on Personal Computers (PC). Students will learn the core components including the processor, motherboard, memory, video and sound adapters, storage devices, and power supplies. Windows operating systems will be used to manage the hardware. Through a hands-on approach, students will develop skills to install, configure, troubleshoot, and repair computer hardware equipment.
A grade of B or better in ITS 105; or permission of the instructor.
This course covers fundamental concepts of computer operating systems. It provides the theory and technical information on popular operating systems, such as Windows, Mac OS, and UNIX/Linux platforms. Topics include operating system theory, installation, upgrading, configuring (operating system and hardware), file systems, security, hardware options, and storage, as well as resource sharing, network connectivity, maintenance, and troubleshooting. Through a hands-on approach, students will develop skills to install, configure, and troubleshoot operating systems.
Required Related Courses 9 credits
This course provides students with the necessary skills to study calculus and various other mathematics, science, and computer related courses. Students will learn the properties of various types of functions, graph them, and solve equations involving these functions. Topics covered include: polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions, trigonometric functions and identities, and sequences and series. Applications are included throughout. Passing both MAT 125 College Algebra and MAT 126 Trigonometry is equivalent to passing MAT 130.
A grade of C or above in MAT 055 or the equivalent, a satisfactory score on appropriate placement exam, or permission of the Mathematics Program Director.
Number systems, set theory, functions, combinatorics, algorithms and complexity, and graph theory. Applications to computer science are emphasized.
MAT 055 or equivalent
This is an introductory course in probability and statistics for science and information technology students. It covers basic concepts of probability and statistics, frequency distributions, graphical methods, measures of central tendency and variability, counting principles, Bayes' theorem, discrete and normal probability distributions, linear regression models, correlation, central limit theorem, sampling variability, confidence intervals, and hypothesis testing. Applications to different fields are included throughout.
MAT 130 or the equivalent
Major Core Courses 39 credits
In this course, students learn problem-solving and programming coding skills to develop software applications/tools. Students are introduced to a high-level programming language. Topics include data types, selections, loops, methods, arrays, objects and classes, strings and text I/O, arithmetic and logic operations, control structures and error handling. Students will learn techniques to design, code, debug, and document programs through hands-on programming projects.
A grade of C or better in ITS 110 and MAT 140; or permission of instructor.
This course continues the development of the principles of a high-level programming language introduced in the Programming Language I course. Topics include: data abstraction, encapsulation, overloaded and overridden methods, inheritance, polymorphism, even-driven programming, and exception handling.
ITS 211 with a grade of B or better, or permission of the instructor
This course provides a comprehensive coverage of networking hardware, operating systems, topologies, protocols, design, implementation, security, and troubleshooting; along with research and communication skills necessary to succeed in the dynamic field of computer networking. Through hands-on approach, students will learn fundamental and vendor-independent networking concepts and develop the skills to build a network from scratch and to maintain, upgrade, and troubleshoot an existing network.
ITS 105 with a grade of B or better, or permission of the instructor
This course introduces internet technology and the principles and techniques necessary for successful web development. Topics such as HTML5, Cascading Style Sheets, JavaScript, DOM, jQuery, multimedia, web page design and web site publishing are presented. Students will learn to develop attractive and interactive web pages and applications.
ITS 110 with a grade of B or better, or permission of the instructor.
This course provides the foundation for understanding the key issues associated with protecting information assets, determining the levels of protection and response to security incidents, and designing a consistent, reasonable information security system, with appropriate intrusion detection and reporting features. Students will be exposed to a spectrum of security activities, methods, methodologies, and procedures. Coverage will include inspection and protection of information assets, detection of and reaction to threats to information assets, and examination of pre-and post-incident procedures, technical and managerial responses, and an overview of the information security planning and staffing functions.
ITS 231 with a grade of ”C+” or better, permission of the instructor
This course provides students with the essential conceptual knowledge and hands-on experience in designing and creating applications for mobile devices. It covers the best practices for solving the design and implementation issues of mobile applications, and the development of applications for different mobile platforms. Students will work on small scale programming projects.
A grade of C+ or better in ITS 212; or permission of the instructor
This course teaches logical and physical characteristics of data and their organization and retrieval in information processing. Topics include database theory and architecture, data modeling, normalization. Students will learn to use PC-based database management system (DBMS) software and design and implement database applications.
This course builds on the knowledge and skills acquired from database fundamentals. It covers technologies such as SQL and PHP and advanced topics in database design and implementation. Students will learn a variety of current Web technologies and programming languages used to build interface between a relational database and a Web server.
ITS 321 with a grade of C+ or better, or permission of the instructor
A study of the methods used in analyzing needs for information and in specifying requirements for an application system. Implementation of the operational system, integration of computer technology, and aspects of organizational behavior in the design support system are examined. Topics include the concept of the system life cycle, the iterative nature of the processes of analysis and design, and the methodology for developing a logical specification and physical design for an operational system.
ITS 322 and ITS 331 with a grade of C or better; or permission of the instructor
This course explores how IT has changed the nature of society and contributed to evolution of global economy. It examines changing nature of work, education, and communication, and ethical issues such as intellectual property rights, legal issues in computing, computer-related crimes, privacy concerns, and public policy issues.
ITS 252 with a grade of C or better or permission of the instructor
This course teaches students how to create technical documents that are generally expected from an IT professional. Students will learn to write clearly and succinctly technical memos, user documentation and technical requirements for an IT system, proposals, reports, and formal papers.
ITS 381 and ENG 380 with a grade of C+ or better; or permission of the instructor
As part two of a two-semester sequence courses intended for senior IT majors to integrate knowledge and skills acquired in the IT core curriculum and concentration courses, students will engage in the development and implementation of an information systems project intended for actual use upon completion. This course emphasizes turning the alpha designs into prototypes in the development phase, and conducting usability tests and producing user support documentation in the implementation phase. All activities are coordinated in a team-based environment.
STM 403 and permission of the instructor
This course is for STM majors who are in their last year of the program. Students will produce two major products: (1) a grant proposal to a national or private agency and (2)interdisciplinary group project. In addition, students will discuss future career plans, examine contributions of different deaf scientists to science, and engage in discussions on science ethics and science literacy.
Permission of the instructor and senior standing
Required Concentration Elective Courses 15 credits
Students who select Network/Database/Web or Medical Informatics as a concentration area must take 15 credit hours of the courses listed under Network/Database/Web Concentration Electives, or 15 credit hours of the courses listed under Cybersecurity Concentration Electives, or 15 credit hours of the courses listed under Medical Informatics Concentration Electives. If approved by their major advisor, students may fulfill the concentration requirement by completing a minor from another undergraduate program at Gallaudet.
Network/Database/Web Concentration Electives 15 credits
Special Topics in the discipline, designed primarily for sophomores. Students may enroll in 295 Special Topics multiple times, as long as the topics differ.
This course emphasizes on building dynamic Internet and web-based applications that interact with other applications and databases. Students will learn a variety of scripting languages, such as JavaScript and JQuery for client side scripting and PHP for server-side scripting, and Web database connectivity and XML technologies. Students will carry out teamwork to design, implement, and evaluate various Web projects.
ITS 211 and ITS 252 with a grade of C+ or better; or permission of the instructor
This course is cross-listed and is otherwise known as COM 390. The ability to have access to communications is an important foundation for empowerment of people who are deaf and hard of hearing. This course explores how communication accessibility is achieved through study of current and emerging technology, trends in industry, public policies, and the government agencies that enforce these policies. Access to telecommunications (including Internet and wireless communications, relay services, etc.), information, video media, emergency services, public accommodations, employment, education, and other contexts are included.
ITS 105 or permission of the instructor.
Special topics in the discipline, designed primarily for juniors. Students may enroll in 395 Special Topics multiple times, as long as the topics differ.
This course will cover techniques essential to a Database Administrator. Topics include: creating the initial database; configuring storage space, tables and users; monitoring performance; securing a database system; and performing backup and recovery.
ITS 322 with a grade of C+ or better or permission of the instructor
This course covers topics such as managing server hardware devices; creating and managing users and groups; managing disk, data storage, and file access; implementing and managing printing; implementing and using Group Policies; administering a server; monitoring server performance; managing and implementing backups and disaster recovery; administering Web resources and security basics for a server. Students will learn how to install, configure, administer, and troubleshoot in a Windows server environment.
ITS 331 with a grade of C+ or better, or permission of the instructor
This course is designed to provide the students with the prerequisite skills and knowledge to participate in the ever-growing electronic business sector. Specific topic areas include key E-commerce concepts, emerging technologies related to E-commerce, business to business, business to consumers, consumers to consumers and global business transactions.
ITS 212, 322, and 352 with grades of C+ or better; or permission of the instructor.
This course covers information security issues in corporate environments. The focus is on the threat environment, security policy and planning, cryptography, secure networks, access control, firewalls, host hardening, application security, data protection, incident response, networking and review of TCP/IP. Hands-on lab activities will be used to reinforce concepts and to provide experience in handling suspected security breaches.
ITS 261 or permission of the instructor
Special topics in the discipline, designed primarily for seniors who are majors or minors. Students may enroll in 495 Special Topics multiple times, as long as the topics differ.
Senior standing and permission of the instructor
Cybersecurity Concentration Electives 15 credits
This is an introductory course in cryptography for computer security. It covers classical cryptosystems, block ciphers and the advanced encryption standard, public-key cryptography, RSA cryptosystem, key establishment protocols, identification and entity authentication, and key management technique.
ITS 261 and MAT 140; or permission of the instructor.
The course analyzes the protocols involved in cybersecurity investigations, and provides a thorough grounding in the principles required to assume the role of a cybersecurity investigator and to be familiar with the evidentiary concepts surrounding the legal proceedings of digital evidence. The course will focus on both hands-on digital forensic experience using open-source digital forensics tools and case law that covers electronic discovery, privacy, and cybersecurity considerations. In this course, the student not only gains experience using digital forensics tools but also will learn about legal precedents that discusses the ''why'' behind the ''how''.
Medical Informatics Concentration Electives 15 credits
This course covers the building blocks of basic medical terminology. The relationship of word parts to their anatomical counterparts will be studied. Rules for combining word parts into complete medical terms will be emphasized. The correct contextual use of terms will be emphasized throughout the course. Such understanding will facilitate learning of scientific and medical principles encountered during more advanced career preparation.
This course covers the fundamentals of biomolecules, cell physiology, respiration and photosynthesis, and genetics. This is one of two courses of introductory biology for science majors. BIO107 (Lecture) & BIO 109L (Lab) and BIO108 (Lecture) & BIO 110L (Lab) can be taken in either order. BIO 107/109 and BIO 108/110 are designed for students who want to major in biology or another science, or who plan to attend dental, veterinary, or medical school after graduation. NOTE: Students taking the course to meet general education explore requirements may take MAT 102 while students majoring in biology or another science should take MAT 130.
Pre- or co-requisite: MAT 102 or MAT 130
This course covers the fundamentals of evolution, comparative biodiversity, human and animal anatomy and physiology, and ecology and environmental science. This is one of two courses of introductory biology for science majors. BIO107 (Lecture) & BIO 109L (Lab) and BIO108 (Lecture) and BIO 110L (Lab) can be taken in either order. BIO 107/109L and BIO 108/110L are designed for students who want to major in biology or another science, or who plan to attend dental, veterinary, or medical school after graduation.
Note: Students taking the course to meet general education explore requirements may take MAT 102 while students majoring in biology or another science should take MAT 130.
Pre- or co-requisites: MAT 102 or MAT 130
The first part of a two-semester course sequence, this course will study the various systems of the body from a combined anatomical and physiological standpoint, with laboratory experiments which illustrate their structure and function. Students will develop their critical thinking skills by analyzing hypothetical problems relating to anatomy and physiology; many of these problems will have medical applications. The first semester will focus on the following organ systems: integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous and special sensory. Three hours of lecture and one two-hour laboratory per week.
BIO 107 and BIO 108; or permission of the instructor
The second part of a two-semester course sequence, this course will cover the remaining physiological systems of the body Students will develop their critical thinking skills by analyzing hypothetical problems relating to anatomy and physiology; many of these problems will have medical applications. This semester will focus on the following organ systems: endocrine, cardiovascular, lymphatic, immune, respiratory, digestive, urinary and male and female reproductive systems. Three hours of lecture and one two-hour laboratory per week.
BIO 233 or permission of instructor
Designed for science majors, this is the first of a two-semester sequence and is designed to help students become familiar with the properties and reactions of matter. This course will also address modern applications of these concepts. Specific topics for this course include: observation of properties and changes, scientific method, unit conversions and measurements, chemical formulas, balancing equations, predicting products and yields, reactions and reaction types, the Ideal Gas Law, thermodynamics, molecular and atomic structure of matter, and orbital hybridization.
Pre- or co-requisite: MAT 101 or above
Designed for science majors, this course is the second of a two-semester sequence and is designed to help students become familiar with the properties and reactions of matter. This course will also address modern applications of these concepts. Specific topics for this course include: chemical bonding concepts, solution chemistry, colligative properties, kinetics, equilibrium, acids and bases, solubility and equilibria, entropy, free energy, electrochemistry, and nuclear chemistry.
CHE 107
A laboratory course to accompany CHE 107, this course enables students to develop skills appropriate to the first-year chemistry course for science majors. Experiments for this course include: observation of properties and changes, measurements, observing activities and reactions for the various types of reactions, obtaining quantitative and qualitative information regarding products, and the use of computer simulations.
A laboratory course to accompany CHE 108, this course enables students to develop skills appropriate to the first-year chemistry course for science majors. Experiments for this course include: quantifying thermodynamic changes, observing colligative properties, evaluation of chemical kinetics, evaluation of acid/base reactions via titration, and the use of computer simulations.
CHE 109
This course introduces students to the use of computer software and computer programming for data exploration, modeling of natural systems (from biology, chemistry, or physics), information visualization, and instrument/robot control. This is done through independent research where students work in groups to design and pursue computational projects and then critically analyze, interpret and present their findings.
This course provides an overview of the field of public health informatics and how technology, information science, and computer/Internet applications can support public health research and practice. Students will understand the technological competency needs of public health professionals and become familiar with some of the resources and tools available. The course will familiarize students with informatics systems deployed at the national, state, and local levels, including strategies to address new and emerging threats. Students will also be introduced to the field of consumer health informatics, including aspects related to the design and evaluation of consumer health applications.
PHS 101 and MAT 142 or PHS 201
Free Elective Courses 2-3 credits
IT Industry Certification
Industry-sponsored IT certifications are highly recommended as it has become a general practice by employers to demand a relevant college degree as well as IT certifications for entry level professional jobs.
The employment of Computer and Information Research Scientists is expected to grow by a 26% rate from 2023-2033, with an average annual salary of $145,080. about career opportunities as a computer and information research scientist.
The employment of Database Administrators is expected to grow by a 9% rate from 2023-2033, with an average annual salary of $117,450. about career opportunities as a database administrator.
The employment of Network and Computer Systems Administrators is expected to decline by a -3% rate from 2023-2033, with an average annual salary of $95,360. about career opportunities in network and computer systems.
The employment of Computer and Information Systems Managers is expected to grow by a 17% rate from 2023-2033, with an average annual salary of $169,510. about career opportunities as a computer and information systems manager.
The employment of Information Security Analysts is expected to grow by a 33% rate from 2023-2033, with an average annual salary of $120,360. about career opportunities in computer and information technology occupations.
The employment of Computer Network Architects is expected to grow by a 13% rate from 2023-2033, with an average annual salary of $129,840. about career opportunities in computer network architecture.
The employment of Software Developers is expected to grow by a 17% rate from 2023-2033, with an average annual salary of $130,160. about career opportunities as a software developer.
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