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Interpretation and Translation
Ph.D. in Translation and Interpreting Studies
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Admissions Procedures
Applicants for the Ph.D. in Interpretation must complete the application procedures and meet the requirements for graduate study at 杏吧原创. Visit the for more information and a .
Program Specific Requirements
Program of Study
The doctoral curriculum consists of a minimum of 46 credits of coursework plus dissertation research.
All students must complete the following courses: INT 810 Interpreting Studies: Linguistic and Translation Dimensions, INT 812 Research Internship, INT 813 Research Internship, INT 820 Interpreting: Sociocultural Dimensions, INT 821 Interpreting Pedagogy I, INT 830 Interpreting Studies: Cognitive Psychological Dimensions, INT 831 Interpreting Pedagogy II, INT 832 Research Internship, INT 833 Research Internship, INT 841 Doctoral Teaching Internship I, and INT 842 Doctoral Teaching Internship II (INT 841 and INT 842 require residency on campus). INT 845 Guided Research Project, INT 850 Dissertation Proposal Writing, and INT 900 Dissertation Writing.
Doctoral Assistantship
For the doctoral assistantship, students will contribute to the Department of Interpretation and Translation with responsibilities including serving as teaching and/or research assistants for the first 3 semesters of the program.
Research Internship
For the research internship, students will work on all aspects of the research cycle with data-based interpreting research projects run by an experienced scholar or group of scholars. Students will also devote time to discussion of the internship with the instructor related to their research experiences, focusing both on the process and product of their work, in either independent meetings or a regularly scheduled seminar with other interns.
Teaching Internship
The teaching internship site will be in the Department of Interpretation and Translation at 杏吧原创; preparation for the teaching internship occurs in the two preceding courses in which students examine the Gallaudet curricula at the Undergraduate and Graduate levels (our department is the only institution to offer both levels of interpreter education), compare and contrast it with other curriculums, and observe and assist in teaching with department faculty in the BA and perhaps the MA courses. This prepares the student to teach independently within the department for their internship.
Candidacy Examination
After the first two semesters of coursework for full-time students, or 20 credit hours for part-time students, students must successfully complete a written examination designed to evaluate a student’s understanding, knowledge, and application of the approaches that underlie interpretation studies and pedagogical approaches. This examination will be in written English and requires a written response or a written translation of a signed response.
Comprehensive Examination
Comprehensive examinations serve to assess that a doctoral student’s knowledge and understanding of Interpreting Studies (IS) is at a sufficiently high level to begin dissertation research. Upon completion of 37 credit hours, students must successfully present a demonstration in ASL of their theoretical and methodological knowledge of IS and their grasp of the fundamental studies and works in IS. Students will also create a presentation on pedagogy including curriculum and course development, evidence-based teaching practices, assessment practices, and the instruction of specific interpreting skills.
Qualifying Paper
Students are required to conduct a substantial data-based research project related to interpretation or translation, which results in a written qualifying paper. The process will be guided by a faculty advisor and will include conducting a review of relevant literature, writing a proposal (including IRB approval and/or small grants applications), collecting data, coding and analyzing data and creating drafts, which culminate in the completion of the final paper ready for submission to a journal.
Dissertation Proposal and Defense
Students will prepare a proposal which includes an introduction to the study and the research question(s), a preliminary review of the relevant literature, a detailed research plan including a description of the methodology and plan for analysis, working references, an outline of the dissertation, and a timeline. Once the dissertation advisor deems the proposal ready for review by the committee, the candidate distributes copies to the committee members. When the proposal is ready for a defense, the chair of the dissertation committee will schedule a formal defense, and will notify both the Department Chair and the Ph.D. Coordinator.
Dissertation and Defense
The dissertation is a professional product that not only represents the student’s level of achievement, but also the scholarship generated by the program, the department, and 杏吧原创. The dissertation chair and committee members work to ensure the project demonstrates original research that contributes to new knowledge and/or a reinterpretation of existing knowledge to the area of investigation. Students work closely with their chair, and occasionally with their committee members, throughout the proposal, research, and writing process.
Summary of Requirements
Semester I - Fall
An advanced seminar focusing on linguistic and translation theory and research as it pertains to interpretation. Topics will vary depending upon current developments in the field.
Students serve as an intern working on all aspects of the research cycle with a data-based interpreting research project run by an experienced scholar or group of scholars. Students will participate in this field work for 50 clock hours per credit hour under the supervision of a Department of Interpretation and Translation faculty member. Student will assume increasing responsibilities on research projects approved by their advisor.
Acceptance into the program or permission of the instructor.
Semester II - Spring
INT 812
An advanced seminar focusing on socio-linguistic and anthropologic theory and research as it pertains to interpretation. Topics will vary depending upon current developments in the field.
INT 810
This course provides students with an introduction to educational and interpretation philosophies, teaching considerations and techniques, and considerations for faculty responsibilities in academia in the areas of teaching, service, scholarship, and administration. Students will research and analyze program and curriculum design and their interplay with student learning outcomes, teaching Deaf and non-deaf interpreters, and teaching styles. Students will learn procedures for observing classrooms, teachers and students and perform observations. They will learn how learning experiences are planned, the role technology plays in learning experiences, and how to assess reading and course materials. Students will survey teaching techniques for teaching ethics, interpreting skills, assessing student skills, and teaching self-assessment skills.
INT 810 and an elective in curriculum or assessment
Semester III - Fall
An advanced seminar focusing on cognitive and psychological dimensions of the interpreting process. Topics will vary depending upon current developments in the field.
INT 820
This course builds on INT 821 and provides students with hands-on opportunities to put into practice what they have been learning. Students will address the issues of course design, classroom teaching, and assessment by co-teaching courses with department faculty. Learning experiences will address issues including, but not limited to, student learning outcomes, ethics, skill development, self-assessment, attitude and interpreting skills, use of technology, use and development of materials, grading, academic integrity, and classroom activities. They will conduct evaluation of teaching interpreting through action research in the classroom.
INT 821 and electives in curriculum and assessment or permission of the instructor
Students serve as an intern working on all aspects of the research cycle with a data-based interpreting research project run by an experienced scholar or group of scholars. Students will participate in this field work for 50 clock hours per credit hour under the supervision of a Department of Interpretation and Translation faculty member. Student will assume increasing responsibilities on research projects, at a professional level, as approved by their advisor.
INT 813
Semester IV - Spring
Students serve as an intern working on all aspects of the research cycle with data-based interpreting research project run by an experienced scholar or group of scholars. Students will participate in this field work for 50 clock hours per credit hour under the supervision of a Department of Interpretation faculty member. Student will assume increasing responsibilities on research projects, at an professional level, as approved by their advisor.
INT 832
This course provides students the opportunity to teach independently with supervision of department instructors following the successful completion of INT 821 and INT 831. The student assumes the role of instructor in one or more course(s) in the Department of Interpretation. The purpose of this practicum is to develop and hone the doctoral student's ability to plan, implement, and evaluate an academic course in interpretation and/or translation.
INT 821 and INT 831
This course is a one semester course in which students conduct an intensive research project conducted under the guidance of a faculty member. The research, analysis, and writing require an amount of a student's time equivalent to a normal three-credit course. Students are expected to develop an appropriate research plan, to complete the IRB process, to analyze data, and to write a final report of publishable quality.
Semester V - Fall
This course builds on INT 841, providing students the opportunity to teach independently with supervision of department instructors. The student assumes the role of instructor in one or more course(s) in the Department of Interpretation. The purpose of this practicum is to further develop and hone the doctoral student's ability to plan, implement, and evaluate an academic course in the interpretation.
INT 841 or permission of instructor
The purpose of this course is to guide students through the process of writing a doctoral dissertation proposal. The proposal will include a problem statement, literature review. It will also incorporate the research design and methodology, a description of how the data will be treated and analyzed, and the significance and limitations of their proposed study.
INT 833, 841, 845, and successful completion of the qualifying paper
Semester VI - Spring
Students register for this course while conducting all aspects of the dissertation research.
INT 850
Semester VII - Fall
Semester VIII - Spring
Completed application form. See Application Instructions to learn how. A non-refundable application fee of $75. A minimum 3.0 grade point average (on a four-point scale) in all previous undergraduate and graduate study. (Occasionally, applicants with a GPA lower than 3.0 may be admitted conditionally upon...
The Interpretation doctoral program at 杏吧原创 includes four research internship courses. In these courses, students are paired with established research scholars to work collaboratively on specific interpreting and translation studies. Working alongside scholars, both within the Interpretation Program and at other universities, provides opportunities...
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The employment of Interpreters and Translators is expected to grow by a 2% rate from 2023-2033, with an average annual salary of $57,090. about career opportunities in interpreting.
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Associate Professor
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