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B.S. in Mathematics
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Students must complete or demonstrate the following before declaring a major in Mathematics:
The Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics will prepare students for graduate school. The Bachelor of Science degree is geared toward a more science-intensive curriculum than the Bachelor of Arts degree in Mathematics.
Summary of Requirements
Required pre-major courses 3 credits
MAT 130: Three hours count toward the Core Curriculum
Pre-major courses to be taken during freshman year
This course provides students with the necessary skills to study calculus and various other mathematics, science, and computer related courses. Students will learn the properties of various types of functions, graph them, and solve equations involving these functions. Topics covered include: polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions, trigonometric functions and identities, and sequences and series. Applications are included throughout. Passing both MAT 125 College Algebra and MAT 126 Trigonometry is equivalent to passing MAT 130.
A grade of C or above in MAT 055 or the equivalent, a satisfactory score on appropriate placement exam, or permission of the Mathematics Program Director.
Required mathematics courses 39 credits
MAT 451: EDU 648 may be substituted for MAT 451
This course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of differential and integral calculus for single variable functions, including polynomial, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions. Topics covered include: limits, continuity, differentiation, L’Hôpital’s rule, and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Applications of differentiation and integration to mathematical and physical problems are covered throughout.
A grade of C or better in either MAT 126 or MAT 130.
A grade of C of better in MAT 150.
A grade of C or better in MAT 150.
This course focuses on the foundations of mathematics, particularly the language and creative thinking skills associated with mathematical reasoning. Students will learn the fundamentals of proof, logic, and research methods in mathematics. Topics covered include: mathematical statements, propositional logic, proofs by contradiction and induction, sets and cardinality, relations and functions, and counting principles. Math-related internships and employment prospects will be discussed.
MAT 130 or permission of the instructor.
This course covers the fundamental concepts of vector spaces, linear transformations, systems of linear equations, and matrix algebra from a theoretical and a practical point of view. Results will be illustrated by mathematical and physical examples. Important algebraic (e.g., determinants and eigenvalues), geometric (e.g., orthogonality and the Spectral Theorem), and computational (e.g., Gauss elimination and matrix factorization) aspects will be studied.
MAT 205 or permission of the Mathematics Program Director.
This course is the first part of a two-semester sequence with MAT 314, with a focus on basic probability. It covers descriptive statistics, sample spaces and events, axioms of probability, counting techniques, conditional probability and independence, distribution of discrete and continuous random variables, joint distributions, and the central limit theorem.
MAT 205
This course is the second part of a two-semester course sequence with MAT 313, with a focus on applied statistics. It covers basic statistical concepts, graphical displays of data, sampling distribution models, hypothesis testing, and confidence intervals. A statistical software package is used.
MAT 313
Ordinary differential equations of first-order and first-degree, high order linear ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients, and properties of solutions.
MAT 206 and 307
A survey of Euclidean, non-Euclidean, and other geometries. The emphasis will be on formal axiomatic systems.
MAT 150 and 210; or permission of the instructor
An axiomatic treatment of groups, rings, and fields that bridges the gap between concrete examples and abstraction of concepts to general cases.
MAT 206, 210, and 307, or permission of the Mathematics Program Director.
This course will help students prepare for their future careers. Students may choose to either work in the classroom with a mathematics instructor, for example as in-class tutors or teaching assistants, or work for an external organization under the supervision of a professional from the organization and a Gallaudet instructor. Students should consult with their academic advisors and the mathematics program internship coordinator to inquire about internship opportunities. Whether students work on or off-campus, their internship experience must consist of a minimum of 110 hours and be related to mathematics. External internships must be approved by the mathematics program internship coordinator and meet Gallaudet Career Education and Professional Development Office requirements.
Mathematics major and permission of the instructor.
This course is the first part of a two-semester course sequence with MAT 456. This course covers a theoretical approach to calculus of functions of one and several variables. Limits, continuity, differentiability, Reimann integrability, sequences, series, and contour integration.
MAT 206, 210, and 307
This course is for STM majors who are in their last year of the program. Students will produce two major products: (1) a grant proposal to a national or private agency and (2)interdisciplinary group project. In addition, students will discuss future career plans, examine contributions of different deaf scientists to science, and engage in discussions on science ethics and science literacy.
Permission of the instructor and senior standing
Required Related Courses 15 credits
BIO 201: Three hours count toward the Core Curriculum, as an explore elective course in Science & Technology.
This course will provide an overview of descriptive and experimental research methods in the sciences. Topics include research design and methodology, statistical analyses, responsible conduct of research, the use of animal and human subjects, and the critical analysis of published peer-reviewed research reports. Students will work in groups to design a research project, collect and analyze pilot data, and present the results. Development of scientific writing skills will be emphasized. Four hours of lecture per week.
BIO 107 and BIO 108 or permission of the instructor
This course introduces fundamental concepts of computer programming. Students learn program logic, flow charting, and problem solving through analysis, development, basic debugging and testing procedures. Topics include variables, expressions, data types, functions, decisions, loops, and arrays. Students will use the knowledge and skills gained throughout this course to develop a variety of simple programs.
Pre- or co-requisite: MAT 130 or permission of instructor.
Note: Lab sections should be taken concurrently.
Choose a two-semester course and laboratory sequence in one laboratory science and one additional semester (course and laboratory) in another laboratory science.
This course covers the fundamentals of biomolecules, cell physiology, respiration and photosynthesis, and genetics. This is one of two courses of introductory biology for science majors. BIO107 (Lecture) & BIO 109L (Lab) and BIO108 (Lecture) & BIO 110L (Lab) can be taken in either order. BIO 107/109 and BIO 108/110 are designed for students who want to major in biology or another science, or who plan to attend dental, veterinary, or medical school after graduation. NOTE: Students taking the course to meet general education explore requirements may take MAT 102 while students majoring in biology or another science should take MAT 130.
Pre- or co-requisite: MAT 102 or MAT 130
This course covers the fundamentals of evolution, comparative biodiversity, human and animal anatomy and physiology, and ecology and environmental science. This is one of two courses of introductory biology for science majors. BIO107 (Lecture) & BIO 109L (Lab) and BIO108 (Lecture) and BIO 110L (Lab) can be taken in either order. BIO 107/109L and BIO 108/110L are designed for students who want to major in biology or another science, or who plan to attend dental, veterinary, or medical school after graduation.
Note: Students taking the course to meet general education explore requirements may take MAT 102 while students majoring in biology or another science should take MAT 130.
Pre- or co-requisites: MAT 102 or MAT 130
Designed for science majors, this is the first of a two-semester sequence and is designed to help students become familiar with the properties and reactions of matter. This course will also address modern applications of these concepts. Specific topics for this course include: observation of properties and changes, scientific method, unit conversions and measurements, chemical formulas, balancing equations, predicting products and yields, reactions and reaction types, the Ideal Gas Law, thermodynamics, molecular and atomic structure of matter, and orbital hybridization.
Pre- or co-requisite: MAT 101 or above
Designed for science majors, this course is the second of a two-semester sequence and is designed to help students become familiar with the properties and reactions of matter. This course will also address modern applications of these concepts. Specific topics for this course include: chemical bonding concepts, solution chemistry, colligative properties, kinetics, equilibrium, acids and bases, solubility and equilibria, entropy, free energy, electrochemistry, and nuclear chemistry.
CHE 107
A laboratory course to accompany CHE 107, this course enables students to develop skills appropriate to the first-year chemistry course for science majors. Experiments for this course include: observation of properties and changes, measurements, observing activities and reactions for the various types of reactions, obtaining quantitative and qualitative information regarding products, and the use of computer simulations.
A laboratory course to accompany CHE 108, this course enables students to develop skills appropriate to the first-year chemistry course for science majors. Experiments for this course include: quantifying thermodynamic changes, observing colligative properties, evaluation of chemical kinetics, evaluation of acid/base reactions via titration, and the use of computer simulations.
CHE 109
This introductory physics course develops a view of the universe as a clocklike mechanism where change is continuous, observers do not affect their measurements, identical experiments yield identical outcomes and the laws of physics are never violated. It uses methods of calculus to investigate topics in the kinematics and dynamics of particles and rigid bodies, phases of matter, geometrical optics, optical instruments and Einstein's theory of relativity.
MAT 150
This introductory physics course develops a view of the universe as a realm of uncertain possibilities, where change may be discontinuous, measuring may cause different experimental results, identical experiments yield many different outcomes and the laws of physics are violated under certain conditions. It uses methods of calculus to investigate topics in electricity and magnetism, vibrations, wave motion, quantum physics, atomic and nuclear physics, heat, ideal gas laws, thermodynamics, and quantum statistical physics.
PHY 151
This is the companion laboratory course to PHY151. Through a sequence of selected experiments, students will practice experiment design, report writing, use of standard instruments, data visualization, and error analysis skills.
This is the companion laboratory course to PHY152. Through a sequence of selected experiments, students will practice experiment design, report writing, use of standard instruments, data visualization, and error analysis skills.
Pre- or co-requisite: PHY 152
Elective mathematics courses 12 credits
Choose from:
A survey of the history of mathematics from antiquity through modern times.
A study of properties of integer numbers. Divisibility of integers, primes and greatest common divisors, congruencies, Euclidean algorithm, Euler Phi-function, quadratic reciprocity and integer solutions to basic equations, Diophantine equations, and applications to cryptography and primality testing.
MAT 210
This is an introductory course in cryptography. It covers classical cryptosystems, Shannon's perfect secrecy, block ciphers and the advanced encryption standard, RSA cryptosystem and factoring integers, public-key cryptography and discrete logarithms, and linear and differential cryptanalysis.
MAT 130 and MAT 140; or MAT 150; or permission of the instructor.
This course covers linear programming, the simplex algorithm, duality theory and sensitive analysis, network analysis, transportation, assignment, game theory, inventory theory, and queuing theory.
MAT 140 or MAT 150; or permission of the instructor
Numerical differentiation, integration, interpolation, approximation of data, approximation of functions, iterative methods of solving nonlinear equations, and numerical solutions of ordinary and partial differential equations.
ITS 110 or the equivalent; MAT 206; or permission of the department chair
This course covers statistical techniques with applications to the type of problems encountered in real-world situations. These topics include categorical data analysis, simple linear regression, multiple regression, and analysis of variance. A statistical software package is used.
A grade of B or above in MAT 314; or permission of the instructor.
This is an introductory course in complex analysis. The algebra of complex numbers, analytic functions, contour integration, Cauchy integral formula, theory of residues and poles, and Taylor and Laurent series.
MAT 206 and MAT 210, or permission of the instructor
This course is the second part of a two-semester course sequence with MAT 455. This course covers a theoretical approach to calculus of functions of one and several variables. Limits, continuity, differentiability, Reimann integrability, sequences, series, and contour integration.
MAT 455
Special topics in the discipline, designed primarily for seniors who are majors or minors. Students may enroll in 495 Special Topics multiple times, as long as the topics differ.
Permission of the department chair
Recommended coursework 6-15 credits
One or two years of a foreign language, preferably German or French
The employment of Insurance professionals is expected to decline by a -4% rate from 2023-2033, with an average annual salary of $77,860. about career opportunities in the business and financial industries.
The employment of Statisticians is expected to grow by a 11% rate from 2023-2033, with an average annual salary of $104,860. about career opportunities as a statistician.
The employment of Operations Research Analysts is expected to grow by a 23% rate from 2023-2033, with an average annual salary of $83,640. about career opportunities as an operations research analyst.
The employment of Math occupations is expected to grow by a 11% rate from 2023-2033, with an average annual salary of $104,860. about career opportunities in mathematics-based careers.
Assistant Professor
Lecturer II
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