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Psy.D. in School Psychology
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Table 1. Summary of Transition Point Requirements
Summary of Requirements
Semester 1
Provides familiarization with legal and ethical issues and the role and function of the psychologist in the school setting. Class and field experiences are designed to acquaint the student with the various roles, responsibilities and operations of multi-disciplinary teams from a multi-cultural perspective. Available school and community resources for deaf and hard of hearing people are explored.
Permission of the instructor
This course provides the foundation for practitioners to create and maintain culturally supportive, equitable, and inclusive environment in the schools and communities. It explores diversity in all its forms (race, socioeconomic, cultural, ethnic, linguistic, etc.) as they pertain to the practice of school psychology. The course will cover how individual differences impact the provision of psychological services in the schools and communities and examines culturally, equitable, and inclusive responsive approaches to working with diverse children, adolescents, and their families.
Matriculation in the Psychology program or permission of instructor
Discussion of the theory and applications of inferential statistics, including sampling, estimation, confidence intervals, inferences, effect sizes and hypothesis testing as well as descriptive statistics, validity and reliability. Specific statistical techniques such as t tests, Chi Square, one way and factorial analyses of variance, correlations, simple and multiple regression as well as an introduction to trend analysis will be presented. Lab experiences in using SPSS or similar computer programs for analyzing data will be provided. Evaluations of statistical methods used in published research will be discussed.
This course provides in-depth exploration of the complex interrelationships between the functioning of deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals and psychological, biological, and socio-cultural aspects within a human systems framework that incorporates multicultural perspectives. Psychological principles and theories related to the emotional, cognitive/linguistic, behavioral, and cultural development of deaf and hard -of-hearing individuals are considered. Also considered are factors including the influence of etiology/genetics, varying levels of hearing loss and age of onset, familial variables, linguistic and communication approaches, technology, educational settings, psychopathology, and cultural aspects.
An introduction to multiple methods of assessing behavior, abilities, and achievement. Includes the history of assessment practices and theory of intelligence. Discussion of the statistical properties of assessment instruments including reliability, validity, standard error of measurement, normal distributions, as well as factor and item analysis are included. Criteria for evaluating and selecting tests, methods and theoretical approaches to assessment are also presented. Practical study and application of the administration and interpretation of an intellectual assessment.
Semester 2
Covers principles of research design in psychology from two-group comparisons to complex multiple treatment designs. Also includes guidelines and criteria for writing research reports and articles, questionnaire and survey research, case studies and other single-subject designs, correlational studies, naturalistic observation, and ethical considerations in research.
PSY 711
A study of child behavior disorders and other psycho-pathologies of childhood, including types of disorders, etiology, and intervention and prevention strategies. Psychological, developmental, biological, cultural, and educational factors are included.
Enrollment in the PhD or PsyD Psychology Doctoral Programs.
An intensive course designed to provide the graduate student with an integrated foundation consisting of knowledge of theory, methods, and techniques, along with applied clinical skills, in the effective appraisal of individual intelligence. Course instruction focuses primarily upon skill development in test selection, administration, and scoring; analysis and interpretation of test results; preparation of reports on findings; and application of knowledge of assessment practices, including confidentiality considerations, within a framework provided by professional, ethical, and legal standards.
School Psychology Majors: PSY 743, PSY 770.
Under close supervision students gain experience in multi-dimensional assessment of individuals in various settings. Emphasis is on developing skills in administering, interpreting, and reporting the results of various measures of intelligence related to educational functioning.
Permission of the instructor.
Comprehensive Exams
Summer 1
Review of theoretical approaches in the historical development of psychology as a discipline, including the emergence of clinical and experimental psychology from philosophical and physiological perspectives. The principal systems and schools of thought in the history of psychology will be surveyed, including psychophysics, structuralism, functionalism, behaviorism, gestalt theory, psychoanalysis, and cognitive theories. These systems and schools of thought will be analyzed as they relate to contemporary psychology.
Enrollment in the Ph.D. or Psy.D. Psychology Doctoral Programs
Semester 3
An overview of formal and informal assessment procedures used in identifying learning disabilities and providing individual and system level support to children and youth. Formal and informal academic, cognitive, and social emotional assessment procedures used in developing and evaluating intervention strategies such as progress monitoring approaches will be discussed using an interdisciplinary model and a multicultural and/or bilingual perspective. Multiple-tiered system of support and the collection and use of data for the purpose of evaluating program effectiveness and accommodations will also be included.
Pre- or co-requisite: PSY 743 and PSY 746; or Permission of Instructor.
Addresses brain-behavior relationships with an emphasis upon school age children. Anatomy of the brain as well as neurodevelopmental and acquired neurophysiological disorders that affect children will be discussed. Students will be introduced to neuropsychological tests and test batteries used in the evaluation of this age group.
This course is designed to provide students with their initial exposure to working in school settings with children who have a range of challenges. Students work under the close supervision of a certified or licensed psychologist one day a week. The course has several components that include students work in a school or clinic setting providing psychological and educational assessments, preparing reports, conducting counseling individually or in group with children, consulting with teachers and school staff, and implementing intervention programs. In addition, students attend a weekly seminar where major issues in the professional practice of school psychology (i.e., supervision, ethical and professional conduct, time management, performance evaluation methods, diversity in staff, professional relationships, and staff development) are discussed with a university-based supervisor. Students also develop supervisory experience and learn about supervision models and practices.
PSY 743 and 746. Students must have experience in administering, scoring, and interpreting cognitive tests as well as writing reports.
Course will include the conceptual basis and discuss the techniques used in delivering mental health services to non-identified populations in the school. Types of interventions studied will include the use of group techniques, social skill development procedures, enrichment programs, teaching of parenting skills, development of vocational or school transitional services and methods for delivering in-service to professional staff members. Particular emphasis will be given to the role of the psychologist on crisis intervention teams.
This course is a survey of major theoretical models of psychological consultation and collaboration with professional peers, parents, administrators, and organizations as they are applied to school settings, mental health settings, medical settings, natural communities, and workplaces. Methods for achieving individual or system-wide change are reviewed through literature, class discussion, simulation, and role-playing activities. Students are required to master the theoretical, research, and applied foundations of consultation that will enable them to serve teachers, administrators, parents, and others who are caretakers and supervisors of children and youth. In addition to the didactic aspects of the course, an experiential aspect will help students examine their own behaviors, motives, and feelings in consultation and collaboration experiences and make appropriate changes with supportive direction from the instructor and peers.
Second Year Graduate Status or Permission of the Instructor
Semester 4
This course examines major theories of learning with relevance to instrumental and classical conditioning, cognitive learning processes, motivation, decision, making, and memory. The students will explore relevant research on traditional and contemporary issues in learning, with an emphasis on human learning from both behavioral, and cognitive perspectives.
This course is designed to provide students with their initial exposure to working in school settings with children who have a range of challenges. It is the second part of the course that began in the fall. Students work under the close supervision of a certified or licensed psychologist. The course has several components that include students work in a school or clinic setting providing psychological and educational assessments, preparing reports, conducting counseling individually or in group with children, consulting with teachers and school staff, and implementing intervention programs. In addition, students attend a weekly seminar where major issues in the professional practice of school psychology (i.e., supervision, ethical and professional conduct, time management, performance evaluation methods, diversity in staff, professional relationships, and staff development) are discussed with a university-based supervisor. Students also develop supervisory experience and learn about supervision models and practices.
PSY 748 and 755. Students must experience administering, scoring, and interpreting cognitive tests as well as writing psychological reports.
This course provides training with techniques and instruments used in social, emotional, and behavioral assessment. Projective and descriptive techniques are discussed in addition to the use of adaptive behavior instruments. The course describes evaluation techniques of emotional, social, and behavioral states consistent with the terminology in the Individuals with Disabilities Educational Improvement Act (IDEIA). It follows the best practice model that suggests that the assessment must consist of multiple sources of data. Best practices recommend a model of assessment based on five components: (a) interviews with parents, teachers, and students; (b) standardized rating scales administered to the parent and teacher; (c) standardized self-report measures administered to the student; (d) observations of the student in multiple settings; and (e) review of child's relevant background and history.
Pre- or co-requisite: PSY 711, PSY 743, and PSY 746; or Permission of Instructor
The course focuses upon the theoretical and applied use of interventions used with children exhibiting behavioral and/or emotional difficulties. Emphasis is placed upon the use of Applied Behavioral Analysis, functional analysis, behavior modification techniques and psycho-educational interventions used with individuals, small groups, and family constellations.
Summer 2
Semester 5
PSY 720 Teaching of Psychology is also an elective that can be taken by students with second year status and above.
This course will introduce students to methods of conducting single subject designs for research and practice in the behavioral science including school psychology. Students will learn the salient features of common single subject designs as well as the advantages and disadvantages of these methodologies. Students will learn to analyze and critique published research based on single subject methods and will have opportunities to explore how these methods can be used to answer applied and basic research questions pertaining to school psychology.
PSY 710 or 711; and PSY 712; or permission of the instructor
Under the close supervision of a certified or licensed psychologist, students work in a school or clinic setting providing psychological and educational assessments, preparing reports, counseling with clients, and developing and implementing intervention programs. In addition, students attend a weekly seminar emphasizing major issues in the professional practice of school psychology.
PSY 701, PSY 743, PSY 746, PSY 748, PSY 770 and Permission of the instructor.
The course provides advanced training and clinical application of therapeutic methods with children and adolescents. Students will learn evidence-based approaches that can be applied in school and clinical settings with specific focus on the needs of Deaf/Hard of Hearing and hearing individuals who have language and learning challenges. Students will learn to develop and implement a comprehensive therapeutic plan including case conceptualization, goal development, session/module planning, documentation of progress, and measurement of effectiveness through application of previously learned research and practice techniques.
This course provides an introduction to theoretical and research foundations in social psychology, particularly as related to clinical/personality psychology and to the study of cultural minorities and the diversities of human experience.
Semester 6
Students take Praxis exam during the summer or fall. Complete Applied Research Project. PSY 720 Teaching of Psychology is also an elective that can be taken by students with second year status and above.
This seminar discusses topics and issues related to practices that permeates all aspects of service delivery; direct and indirect services for children, families; and schools, and foundations of school psychologists' service delivery. These topics include legal and ethical issues in professional practice, research and program evaluation, interventions (systems and individual levels), diversity, data-based decision making, and consultation. The course helps prepare students for national licensure or certification.
Enrollment in the School Psychology program or permission of instructor.
The course provides a focus on the principles of applied behavior analysis (ABA). While wide application of ABA principles is possible, the application of ABA to the field of education is highlighted.
PSY 734 or permission of instructor
This course combines three knowledge areas relevant to providing psychological services to children: family, exceptionality, and schools. It provides a study of family development and family systems to analyze how these influence children's cognitive, motivational and academic performance, and social and behavioral characteristics. This course will also discuss the impact of having an exceptional child on family, parents, siblings; diversity; and it will explore frameworks of the provision of comprehensive psychological services to children in schools and the development of more effective relationships between home, school and community.
PSY 723 and 732
Under the close supervision of a certified and/or licensed psychologist, students work in a school or clinic setting providing psychological and educational assessments, preparing reports, counseling with clients, and developing and implementing intervention programs. In addition, students attend a weekly seminar emphasizing ethical and other major issues in the professional practice of school psychology.
PSY 701, PSY 743, PSY 746, PSY 748, PSY 770, PSY 771; or permission of the instructor.
Semester 7
Field experience in an approved setting provides supervised experience in identification and description of school-related problems, formulation of diagnostic plans, selection and use of appropriate evaluation tools, referral to appropriate specialists, integration of findings, and recommendation of appropriate action and follow-up.
Advanced program status and permission of instructor.
Field experience in an approved setting provides supervised experience in conferences with teachers to interpret results of child diagnostic study; conferences with parents to interpret plan of action for child or youth; short term and group counseling with students.
Semester 8
Field experience in an approved setting provides supervised experience at an advanced level in conferences with teachers, parents, administrators, and other specialists in the school and community concerning planning, referrals, and in-school interventions and experience in developing and implementing in-service programs for teachers, administrators, and staff.
Field experience in an approved setting provides supervised experience at an advanced level in conferences with teachers, parents, administrators, and other specialists to interpret the results of child diagnostic study; active participation in multidisciplinary staffings; and design and development of interventions for the remediation of student learning and behavior problems in the classroom.
Sample Schedule
These are electives:
PSY 720 Teaching of Psychology
PSY 854 Psychopharmocology (or equivalent)
Other courses with program director’s permission
Program of Study and Sample Schedule
Fall Semester
Spring Semester
PSY701 Legal, Ethical and Professional Issues in
School Psychology
*PSY712 Research Method
PSY711 Principles of Statistics
PSY746 Assessment II
PSY706 Equity, Diversity & Inclusion in
Communities and Schools
PSY732 Child Psychopathology and Behavior
PSY743 Assessment I: History, Theory, and Psychometrics
*PSY733 Lifespan Development
*PSY723 Psychology and Deafness
PSY770 Practicum I: Cognitive Assessment
Comprehensive Examination (Legal & Ethical & Statistics, Psychometrics & Research Method)
Comprehensive Examination (Developmental Psychology & Child Psychopathology).
HSL 507 Audiology and Communication Access for Service Providers and Professionals
ASL Courses
PSY722 History & System
PSY767 Consultation Theory, Practice, &
PSY765 Assessment III: Child and Adolescents
Personality and Behavior
PSY748 Academic Assessment, Learning Disabilities &
Evidence Based Intervention
PSY734 Learning and Memory
PSY754 Biological Psychology: Brain & Behavior
PSY766 Behavioral and Therapeutic
Interventions with Children
PSY760 Crisis Intervention and
Prevention Services
PSY795 Pre-Practicum Clinical Supervision
PSY771 Advanced Doctoral Practicum and Supervision II
PSY773 Advanced Doctoral Pract. and Supervision III
PSY705 Single Subject Method for Behavioral
*PSY762 Cognitive and Affective Basis of Behavior
*PSY809 Social Psychology & Human Diversity
PSY768 Home-School-Community
Collaboration and Family Therapy
PSY774 Advanced Therapeutic Methods for
Children and Adolescents
PSY735 Applied Behavior Analysis
PSY702 Seminar for Professional Practice in
Applied Research Project
PSY790 Internship: Individual Case Conferencing
PSY792: Internship: System Consultation
PSY791 Internship: Teacher Consultation
PSY793: Advanced case Study
Comprehensive Intervention Case Study
*Courses shared with the Clinical Psychology Program
Our PsyD School Psychology Program is conditionally accredited by the National Association of School Psychologists. .
Completed application form. See Application Instructions to learn how. A non-refundable application fee of $75. A minimum 3.0 grade point average (on a four-point scale) in all previous undergraduate and graduate study. (Occasionally, applicants with a GPA lower than 3.0 may be admitted conditionally upon...
ÐÓ°ÉÔ´´ is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) and recognized by the U.S. Department of Education as a Title IV-approved institution. The Psy.D. in School Psychology is accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). As a...
Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing APA Division 16 | School Psychology National Association of the Deaf National Association of School Psychologists (NASP)
The ÐÓ°ÉÔ´´ PsyD School Psychology Program received approval to open in May 2021 by the Gallaudet Board of Trustees and immediately recruited candidates into the program for fall 2021. Because the program is brand new, it is not yet ready for APA or NASP...
Graduation Rates 2015/16 to 2019/20Ìý ACADEMIC YEAR 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 Number Admitted to Program 5 5 6 7 7 Completed Program1 80.0% 80.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Graduated 80.0% 80.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Discontinued2 20.0% 0.0% 33.3% 14.3% 0.0% Still in Program 0.0% 20.0%...
The PsyD in School Psychology Program is based on the Practitioner-Scholar model of training that was developed at the 1973 Vail Conference on Levels and Patterns of Professional Training in Psychology. The goal of the Practitioner-Scholar model is to develop and produce practitioners informed by...
The additional program objective of training candidates with an expertise in deafness is framed within five Special Competency areas. Training for each special competency area exists across the curriculum. Special Competency (1): Communication and meeting the communication needs of all individuals whom one serves, which...
Based on the Practitioner-Scholar model of training, students are involved in a systematic sequence of didactic courses, applied courses, and filed experiences. Designed as a sequential plan of study, the program of study prepares students for the professional practice of school psychology as health service...
FIRST YEAR Fall Semester PSY701 Legal, Ethical, & Professional Issues in School Psych (3cr) PSY711 Principles of Statistics (3cr) PSY706 Equity, Diversity & Inclusion in Communities and Schools (3cr) PSY743 Assessment I: History and Theory Assessment (4cr) *PSY723 Psychology & Deafness (3cr) Spring Semester *PSY712 Research...
Transition Point Requirements 1. Entry into the Program Recommendation for admission by the Admissions Committee based on completed application (Optional GRE scores; Psychology Major or Equivalent Course Background; GPA minimum 3.0; recommendation letters; interview, & Personal Statements/Essays on experience related to deafness sub-specialization, rationale for...
Each candidate is assigned an advisor at the beginning of the program and retains an advisor throughout the program. The advisor monitors the candidate's progress through the program, is available for consultation on a regular basis, and maintains records of the candidate's progress through program...
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