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Public Health
B.S. in Public Health
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Public Health is a multidisciplinary field concerned with promoting and protecting health in individuals, families, communities and entire populations through such measures as disease prevention, promotion of healthy lifestyles, and research on epidemics and diseases. The BSPH prepares students to work in a number of health-related fields or enter graduate or professional school. Public Health professionals with this degree are in increasing demand for employment by government agencies and private organizations as public health analysts, health care managers, educators, risk assessors, and occupational health and safety technicians.
Summary of Requirements
*Some required pre-major and major courses overlap with GE requirements.
Students needs to maintain a 2.5 GPA for the PHS curriculum (Pre-major courses and Major and related courses).
Required pre-major courses 6 credits
This is an introductory course in statistics. It covers basic concepts of statistics, including simple graphical displays and numerical summaries of categorical and quantitative data, measures of center and spread, z-scores, the Normal distribution, and correlation. Applications to different fields are included throughout. Additional topics in statistics may be included.
MAT 40, 45, or satisfactory scores on appropriate mathematics placement exams.
This course provides an overview of the goals, functions, and methods of public health. After an introduction to the core concepts and tools used in public health research and practice, applications of these methodologies are considered in the context of five current controversies/problems in public health. Students work together to develop strategies for prevention and control that take into consideration different points of view, outside research, and impacts on individuals and communities.
Required Public Health Core Courses 30 credits
Note: Students are required to meet with advisor prior to internship agreements for PHS 403.
This course will introduce the concepts, theories, and applications of biostatistics to biological, medical, and public health research. It will cover descriptive statistics, concepts of probabilities and distributions, graphical methods, comparisons of two variables, central limit theorem, sampling variability, confidence intervals, and hypothesis testing.
MAT 102 or MAT 125 or MAT 130
Epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of health and illness in human populations and the application of methods that seek to describe and, ultimately, improve health outcomes. Consequently, epidemiology is often considered the basic science of public health. This course is designed to introduce students to the history, basic principles, and methods of epidemiology. Topics covered in this course are history and background of epidemiology, measures of disease frequency, measures of association, epidemiologic study designs, screening, outbreak investigations, and assessment of causality. Examples from domestic and international settings are included. In addition, students will develop skills to critically read, interpret, and evaluate health information from published epidemiological studies and mass media sources.
PHS 101 and MAT 102 or MAT 130
This course is intended to serve as an introduction to the major issues of environmental health science with a focus on the United States, although global health issues are considered as well. We will examine what those issues are, what determines them, and how they can be altered. As a survey of the many facets of environmental health, the course provides a broad overview for students wishing introduction to the field, as well as good grounding for students who wish to pursue additional coursework in environmental health.
PHS 101
This course provides an overview of health-related challenges facing individuals in today's connected and globalized world. Health issues will be approached from both individual and community perspectives with a focus on concepts of wellness and prevention. Emphasis will be placed on individual decision-making and understanding of biological, social, environmental, and other factors affecting health and wellness. We will also study the role of health behaviors and how they contribute to healthier lives.
This course introduces students to the theory and application of community-based health promotion program planning and evaluation. Concepts in community assessment, organization, and mobilization for the purposes of addressing identified public health concerns serve as the foundation for the planning process. Techniques of community partnership building, planning strategies, data collection, data analysis, and evidence-based decision-making will also be introduced.
PHS 203
This course provides a survey of health policy and management, a multi-disciplinary field of inquiry and practice concerned with the delivery, quality and costs of health care for individuals and populations. The course is designed to give students a basic understanding of American health care organization, financing and policy.
One of the defining characteristics of deaf health in the U.S. is a wide gap in deaf health outcomes compared to the general population. This course is designed to help students explore three issues: 1) deaf health inequalities, disparities, and inequities 2) why they exist, and 3) how to intervene against health disparities in the deaf community. Students first explore resources and strategies for documenting deaf health disparities. With this knowledge, students then turns to the question of how deaf health disparities come into being via inaccessibility, communication barriers, and power imbalances, among other things.
PSY 341 or BIO 201 or instructor permission.
This course will prepare the student for the public health internship experience. Topics covered include general issues in fieldwork in public health, agency systems and policies, diversity issues in public health settings, ethical and legal issues, interpersonal and professional relationships in public health work settings, career options in public health, and the appropriate use of interpreters in internship settings. Emphasis will be placed on students' understanding of their personal, social, and cultural identity in the context of health and well-being and the impact on their future work in health care settings.
Public Health major with junior or senior status and permission of the instructor.
The purpose of the internship is to enable students to gain practical experience under conditions conducive to educational and professional development. The internship is a time-limited, supervised period of community health/public health activities, carried out in a related professional organization or agency. Each intern will report to a site supervisor at the host organization who will oversee the student's experience and provide structure and mentorship throughout the internship. The course instructor must approve the internship before registration for this course.
PHS 402 and permission of the instructor
This course is for STM majors who are in their last year of the program. Students will produce two major products: (1) a grant proposal to a national or private agency and (2)interdisciplinary group project. In addition, students will discuss future career plans, examine contributions of different deaf scientists to science, and engage in discussions on science ethics and science literacy.
Permission of the instructor and senior standing
Required Public Health Science Track Courses 23 credits
This track will focus on the science aspect of the multidisciplinary field of public health. It will include courses in science, math, data science, and technology. This is a good track for people considering jobs that are more research-based. In addition, this track would prepare students for similar graduate schools.
This course covers the fundamentals of biomolecules, cell physiology, respiration and photosynthesis, and genetics. This is one of two courses of introductory biology for science majors. BIO107 (Lecture) & BIO 109L (Lab) and BIO108 (Lecture) & BIO 110L (Lab) can be taken in either order. BIO 107/109 and BIO 108/110 are designed for students who want to major in biology or another science, or who plan to attend dental, veterinary, or medical school after graduation. NOTE: Students taking the course to meet general education explore requirements may take MAT 102 while students majoring in biology or another science should take MAT 130.
Pre- or co-requisite: MAT 102 or MAT 130
This course covers the fundamentals of evolution, comparative biodiversity, human and animal anatomy and physiology, and ecology and environmental science. This is one of two courses of introductory biology for science majors. BIO107 (Lecture) & BIO 109L (Lab) and BIO108 (Lecture) and BIO 110L (Lab) can be taken in either order. BIO 107/109L and BIO 108/110L are designed for students who want to major in biology or another science, or who plan to attend dental, veterinary, or medical school after graduation.
Note: Students taking the course to meet general education explore requirements may take MAT 102 while students majoring in biology or another science should take MAT 130.
Pre- or co-requisites: MAT 102 or MAT 130
In this laboratory course, students will develop and test hypotheses by designing their own experiments to better understand the fundamentals of biomolecules, cell physiology, respiration and photosynthesis, and genetics. Students will also learn how to use a microscope and pipettors and will write laboratory reports in the same format as professional journal articles. This 2-hour laboratory course should be taken concurrently with BIO 107.
NOTE: Students taking the course to meet general education explore requirements may take MAT 102 while students majoring in biology or another science should take MAT 130.
Pre- or co-requisites: MAT 102 or MAT 130.
In laboratory, students will develop and test hypotheses by designing their own experiments to better understand fundamentals of evolution, comparative biodiversity, human and animal anatomy and physiology, and ecology and environmental science. Students will also learn how to use computer simulation models to predict outcomes, grow and enumerate bacteria and plants, and write laboratory reports in the same format as professional journal article. This 2-hour laboratory course should be taken concurrently with BIO 108.
Pre- or co-requisite: MAT 102 or MAT 130.
The first part of a two-semester course sequence, this course will study the various systems of the body from a combined anatomical and physiological standpoint, with laboratory experiments which illustrate their structure and function. Students will develop their critical thinking skills by analyzing hypothetical problems relating to anatomy and physiology; many of these problems will have medical applications. The first semester will focus on the following organ systems: integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous and special sensory. Three hours of lecture and one two-hour laboratory per week.
BIO 107 and BIO 108; or permission of the instructor
The second part of a two-semester course sequence, this course will cover the remaining physiological systems of the body Students will develop their critical thinking skills by analyzing hypothetical problems relating to anatomy and physiology; many of these problems will have medical applications. This semester will focus on the following organ systems: endocrine, cardiovascular, lymphatic, immune, respiratory, digestive, urinary and male and female reproductive systems. Three hours of lecture and one two-hour laboratory per week.
BIO 233 or permission of instructor
Designed for science majors, this is the first of a two-semester sequence and is designed to help students become familiar with the properties and reactions of matter. This course will also address modern applications of these concepts. Specific topics for this course include: observation of properties and changes, scientific method, unit conversions and measurements, chemical formulas, balancing equations, predicting products and yields, reactions and reaction types, the Ideal Gas Law, thermodynamics, molecular and atomic structure of matter, and orbital hybridization.
Pre- or co-requisite: MAT 101 or above
A laboratory course to accompany CHE 107, this course enables students to develop skills appropriate to the first-year chemistry course for science majors. Experiments for this course include: observation of properties and changes, measurements, observing activities and reactions for the various types of reactions, obtaining quantitative and qualitative information regarding products, and the use of computer simulations.
An introduction to the scientific study of human behavior, providing an overview of the major issues, methods, and contributions of psychology. Content areas include development, language, learning, cognition, physiological psychology intelligence, and abnormal and social psychology.
GSR 102 or the equivalent
Public Health Science Track Electives 12 Credits
Choose 12 credits from the following:
For students seeking to continue their education in specific fields (nursing, audiology, epidemiology, environmental science, etc) certain courses are required. Students are recommended to meet with their advisors to ensure they select appropriate courses.
This course covers the building blocks of basic medical terminology. The relationship of word parts to their anatomical counterparts will be studied. Rules for combining word parts into complete medical terms will be emphasized. The correct contextual use of terms will be emphasized throughout the course. Such understanding will facilitate learning of scientific and medical principles encountered during more advanced career preparation.
This course provides an overview of modern genetics, including classical Mendelian genetics, molecular genetics, genomics, and population genetics. Laboratory activities will introduce students to basic statistical and computational techniques and tools, organisms used in genetics laboratories including E. coli and Drosophila melanogaster, and wet lab techniques including gel lectrophoresis, the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and DNA fingerprinting using STR polymorphism analysis. Three hours of lecture and one two-hour laboratory per week.
A general survey of the microorganisms, with emphasis on their morphology, physiology, growth, and methods of isolation and identification. Laboratory activities will introduce students to wet lab techniques including staining and microscopy, pipetting, streaking, preparing media, spread and pour plating, serial dilutions, plate count assays, metabolic tests for identification of bacteria, bacterial transformations and phage stock preparation. Three hours of lecture and two two-hour laboratories per week
A study of the interrelationships between organisms and physical factors in and with the natural world. The course discusses ecological parameters (physical factors, nutrient cycles, energy flow), organisms (life histories, evolutionary fitness), populations (population growth, temporal and spatial dynamics), communities (predator-prey interactions, competition, co-evolution, succession), ecosystems (biomes, biodiversity, species-area relationships). Laboratory experiences will include both field trips and modeling exercises. Three hours of lecture and one two hour laboratory per week.
BIO 108 or permission of the instructor
We will study nutrition science, focusing on issues that currently affect Americans today including: the current obesity epidemic, fad diets, popular supplements, energy drinks, and fast food and their effects on our nutritional health. Our objective is to teach students the following lifelong skills: how to analyze popular diets and supplements, how to perform a nutrition self-analysis and analyze BMI and body fat percentage, how to lose weight effectively and safely, and how to develop a healthy, nutritious meal plan for yourself and your family.
This course will discuss the pathogenesis and clinical manifestations of infectious diseases and the mechanisms by which microorganisms subvert host defenses and cause infections, resulting in tissue damage and perhaps death. Students will study the epidemiology, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment and prevention of infectious diseases caused by bacteria and viruses. This course will also cover a number of case studies giving students an opportunity to diagnosis patients suffering from infectious diseases.
BIO 221 or permission of instructor
This course is cross-listed and is otherwise known as BIO 711. An in-depth examination of the mechanisms involved in producing genetic variation in humans and medical/clinical aspects of genetic variation and disease. Topics include human cytogenetics and chromosomal disorders, nontraditional inheritance, genetic counseling, and the ethical, legal, and social impact of genetics technology. Hereditary variations in deaf people are also discussed. Three hours of lecture per week.
BIO 211
Designed for science majors, this course is the second of a two-semester sequence and is designed to help students become familiar with the properties and reactions of matter. This course will also address modern applications of these concepts. Specific topics for this course include: chemical bonding concepts, solution chemistry, colligative properties, kinetics, equilibrium, acids and bases, solubility and equilibria, entropy, free energy, electrochemistry, and nuclear chemistry.
CHE 107
A laboratory course to accompany CHE 108, this course enables students to develop skills appropriate to the first-year chemistry course for science majors. Experiments for this course include: quantifying thermodynamic changes, observing colligative properties, evaluation of chemical kinetics, evaluation of acid/base reactions via titration, and the use of computer simulations.
CHE 109
This course is designed to give an introduction to the chemistry of carbon-hydrogen compounds, also known as organic chemistry. Students will study the structures, properties, synthesis, and uses of organic compounds and learn important classes of organic compounds including alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, aromatics, heterocycles, carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. Organic reactions will be discussed including addition, substitution, oxidation, reduction, polymerization and synthesis of organometallic reagents.
CHE 108, and 110; or permission of the instructor
This is the second course in a two-semester sequence. A functional group approach to organic chemistry is presented, with an emphasis on alkenes, alkynes, aromatic compounds, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids and amines. Students will study the structures, properties, synthesis, identification and uses of organic compounds and learn important classes of organic compounds and practice use of instrumentation commonly used in organic chemistry. A number of organic reactions will be covered including addition to carbonyl compounds, substitution at carbonyl positions and aromatic positions, oxidation of alcohols and aldeydes, reduction of aldehydes, ketones and other carbonyl compounds, polymerization and organometallic reactions with carbonyl compounds.
CHE 211 and CHE 213; or permission of the instructor
A laboratory course to accompany CHE 211. This course consists of one three-hour laboratory session per week. The laboratory covers the techniques for preparing, purifying, analysis and identification of organic compounds. Students will carry out experiments aimed at studying the structures, properties, synthesis, and uses of organic compounds and learn important classes of organic compounds. Students will also learn and use analytical instruments, including the FTIR spectrometer, precision balances, and the GC-MS.
CHE 108 and 110; or permission of the instructor
A laboratory course to accompany CHE 212. This course consists of one three-hour laboratory session per week. This class covers the techniques for preparing, purifying, analysis, and identification of organic compounds. Several organic reactions will be covered including addition, substitution, oxidation, reduction, polymerization and organometallic reactions. Students will learn to perform some important organic procedures like Grignard reactions, Ester synthesis, nitration and soap synthesis. Students will also learn and use analytical instruments, including the FTIR spectrometer, GC-MS, and the NMR spectrometer.
CHE 211 and 213; or permission of the instructor
A study of the principles and reactions that involve proteins and DNA in biological systems. The course investigates the structure and chemistry of amino acids, the combination of the amino acids in the formation of proteins, the function and structure of proteins, the building blocks of DNA, the chemistry and structure of DNA, the structure of RNA, the replication of DNA, and current topics in biochemical/biomedical engineering.
CHE 212; BIO 102 or 107
A laboratory course to accompany CHE 325. Qualitative and quantitative experiments related to ordinary biological-chemical materials. One three-hour laboratory.
This course is cross-listed and is otherwise known as HSL 785. This course provides the student with a better understanding of pharmacology from chemical and biochemical perspectives. The areas covered in this course include: classifications of drugs, routes of ingestion, chemical and biochemical structures of medications, metabolism of drugs, effects of drugs, and the relationship between the structures of some drugs and the structures of some important chemicals in the body. The course also covers material specifically related to ototoxic medications.
CHE 211 or enrollment in the graduate Hearing, Speech and Language Sciences program or Permission of Instructor.
Ever wondered how companies like Amazon know more about you? Ever wondered how weather data is represented in the news? Using interdisciplinary concepts, we will learn how to tackle big data. Complex data sets are being generated continuously. Many questions arise as to what these data are telling us. Are we missing something? How do we look for signals in these large datasets? Using computer programs like Excel and R programming we will learn how to manage, sort and represent these data. Students will be encouraged to identify a data set related to a real world problem and use the tools learned in class to tell their stories.
MAT 101, 102, 125, or MAT 130
Modern day biology has generated massive amounts of data but very few experts to analyze this data. A course in Genomics and Bioinformatics will teach students how to use computer algorithms to analyze the data. Students learn applications of genomics to biomedical and biological research by performing computational exercises using databases. Topics include genome sequencing gene prediction, genetic variation, sequence database searching, multiple sequence alignment, evolutionary tree construction, protein structure prediction, proteomic analysis, interaction networks and use of genome browsers among other topics.
The course introduces students to ArcGIS Online, an online Geographic Information System (GIS) application from Esri. With GIS, the student can explore, visualize, and analyze data; create 2D maps and 3D scenes with several layers of data to visualize multiple data sets at once; and share work to an online portal. GIS analytics tools are used in many disciplines and fields of practice including public health, history, sociology, political science, business, biology, international development, and information technology. In the end of the course, students will have the opportunity to take additional training on GIS applications in their specific field of interest.
MAT 101, 102, 125, or MAT 130; or permission of instructor. This section is designed for undergraduate students.
The course introduces students to ArcGIS Pro mapping software, a stand-alone Geographic Information System (GIS) application from ESRI. With GIS, the student can explore, visualize, and analyze data; create 2D maps and 3D scenes with several layers of data to visualize multiple data sets at once; and share work to an online portal. GIS analytics tools are used in many disciplines and fields of practice including public health, history, sociology, political science, business, biology, international development, and information technology. In the end of the course, students will have the opportunity to take additional training on GIS applications in their field of interest. DAS 532 is recommended but not required.
This course provides students with the necessary skills to study calculus and various other mathematics, science, and computer related courses. Students will learn the properties of various types of functions, graph them, and solve equations involving these functions. Topics covered include: polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions, trigonometric functions and identities, and sequences and series. Applications are included throughout. Passing both MAT 125 College Algebra and MAT 126 Trigonometry is equivalent to passing MAT 130.
A grade of C or above in MAT 055 or the equivalent, a satisfactory score on appropriate placement exam, or permission of the Mathematics Program Director.
Students will study the immediate and long-range effects of physical activity on the functions of the human body. Special attention is focused on physical fitness, metabolism, training and conditioning, nutrition, environment, athletic aids, and the sex of the participant.
BIO 203, PER 341, and PER Majors Only; or permission of the instructor
This course is an introduction to the field of medical ethics and the kinds of decisions individuals and families make about health care and treatment options. Students will look at current issues such as kinds of treatment and their effects, allocation of health care resources, ethical issues of health care professionals, managed care decisions, and end of life decisions. Students will apply philosophical theories of ethics to these issues and develop perspectives on health care decision making.
Bioethics is a branch of applied ethics, which in turn is a part of the philosophical field of ethics. Bioethics applies ethical theory to issues in the biological sciences, including scientific research and healthcare. This course introduces major theoretical approaches to bioethics and applies them to topics of interest to the deaf community, including (but not limited to) eugenics, cochlear implant surgery, and genetic technology. Bioethics theories and concepts covered will include informed consent, research ethics, individual and group rights, surrogate decision-making, quality of life, genetic enhancement versus gene therapy, and wrongful life. The potential impact of new and emerging technologies on the deaf community will also be discussed.
One course in philosophy or permission of the instructor
Global health encompasses research and practice with a focus on improving health and attaining quality and equitable health for all people. This course provides an overview of health-related challenges facing individuals in today's connected and globalized world. Health issues will be approached from both individual and community perspectives with a focus on concepts of wellness and prevention. Emphasis will be placed on individual decision-making and understanding of biological, social, environmental, and other factors affecting health and wellness. We will also study the role of health behaviors and how they contribute to healthier lives. This course will have some purposeful overlap with PHS 203: Community Health but will look at health through a global lens.
PHS 101 and 201
Special topics in the discipline, designed primarily for sophomores. Students may enroll in 295 Special Topics multiple times, as long as the topics differ.
Special topics in the discipline, designed primarily for juniors. Students may enroll in 395 Special Topics multiple times, as long as the topics differ.
Special topics in the discipline, designed primarily for seniors who are majors or minors. Students may enroll in 495 Special Topics multiple times, as long as the topics differ.
Under supervision of a faculty member, a student will prepare a paper on a special topic or conduct a research project involving the collection of data and preparation of a report.
Senior standing and permission of the instructor
In this course, students will examine major models of human development across the lifespan. Biological and psychological approaches will be used to examine physical, cognitive, and social development from conception to death. Specific attention will be paid to cultural and ethnic diversity in development.
C or better in PSY 101 or Psychology major or minor.
This course discusses research into the ways behavior, mental states, culture, and physical health interact. Factors underlying health, disease, prevention and treatment occur within cultural contexts that affect our views, behaviors, lifestyles and approaches will be explored. This course will also examine how socio-cultural settings in America influences development, health beliefs, and health behaviors.
Sociology attempts to understand how societies function. The course explores how social forces influence our lives and our chances for success. It also examines social groups, the relationships among social groups, and the ways groups get and maintain power.
ENG 102 or the equivalent
The course considers social structure, cultural, and demographic components of physical and mental illness. Stages of illness behavior, from prevalence of symptoms and recognition of them to recovery or death, will be identified, and the social and cultural determinants of each stage will be discussed. The health care system and problems in health care delivery will be considered.
SOC 101
This course provides students an opportunity for examination of personal attitudes, stereotypes, biases, and misconceptions that affect ethnic-competent professional practice. Attention is given to increasing students' knowledge, understanding, appreciation, and sensitivity to diversity, oppression, and racism, and the implications of each for social work and other human services. While the course addresses the cognitive and conceptual aspects of learning, primary emphasis is on the affective process. In addition to learning about racism, discrimination, power/powerlessness, and ethnocentrism, students participate in experiential groups and role play. These exercises provide opportunities to explore new ways of thinking, feeling, and responding to people who experience discrimination or oppression because of their race, ethnic background, gender, age, disability, or sexual orientation, or because they are deaf or hard of hearing.
Junior standing
This course prepares the student in one of the helping professions to understand the primary issues related to the use and abuse of alcohol and other drugs, including narcotics, depressants, stimulants, hallucinogens, and marijuana. The impact of drug use on the individual, the family, and society will be examined, including the psychological ramifications of children of alcoholics and drug abusers. Emphasis will be on the development of intervention skills and identifying the person who is abusing chemicals. Knowledge of community resources and programs, with attention given to accessibility to deaf substance abusers, will be covered.
Required Health Education Track Courses 23 credits
This track will focus on the education aspect of the multidisplinary field of public health. It will include courses in education, psychology, communication, and social work. This is a good track for people considering jobs that are on the frontline. In addition, this track would prepare students for similar graduate schools.
This course addresses human biology through the lens of evaluating scientific claims. Students will learn about select organ systems (reproductive, skeletal and muscular, immune and nervous systems) and about human genetics in a way that helps them make decisions relevant to their daily lives. The course focuses on developing skills that scientists use: basic experimental design, research methods, and scientific writing. It also teaches the language of biology and especially how to critique arguments related to human biology that we encounter in the media. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week.
This comprehensive course covers major body systems including the musculoskeletal, nervous, digestive, cardiovascular and respiratory systems. One or more field trips that have direct applications may be arranged, dependent on availability. This course is designed to give Physical Education and Recreation majors a strong foundation for PER 341 Kinesiology. Biology majors should instead enroll in BIO 233 Human Anatomy & Physiology I and BIO 333 Human Anatomy & Physiology II. Three hours of lecture and one two-hour laboratory per week.
BIO 105
An overview and study of contemporary trends, problems, and issues in general education in terms of educational philosophies, types of educational programs, the relation of education to the individual and society, and curriculum and instruction. Some consideration of the relevance of regular education to special education and education of deaf and hard of hearing students. Discussion of organizations and agencies related to education.
The course addresses the application of psychological principles to the educational setting. Topics include learning theory, cognition and memory, individualized instruction, human development, intelligence, creativity, exceptionality, motivation, discipline, and measurement and evaluation.
PSY 101
Health Education Track Electives 12 Credits
Students are recommended to meet with their advisors to ensure they select appropriate courses that would prepare them for the career or graduate program that they are seeking.
Introductory survey of the field of communication that includes discussion of the importance of communication in our lives, examination of communication as a uniquely human process of interaction, an overview of the varied contexts in which communication occurs, and investigation of communication as an academic discipline, field of research, and possible career track. This course also provides an introduction to the Communication Studies Department.
This course will focus on the process of thinking and problem solving in committees and small groups; methods of leading and participating in discussions and conferences.
GSR 102/ENG 102 and GSR 103/ASL 125; or permission of the instructor.
The course emphasizes the principles involved in the selection and organization of ideas and their effective presentation to a group.
GSR 102/ENG 102 and GSR 103/ASL 125; or permission of the instructor
This course will provide for the experiential learning of the elements of effective interpersonal communication. Students will observe, record, and analyze interpersonal transactions; opportunities for improving interpersonal skills will be provided.
COM 280 and COM 290; or permission of the instructor
This course involves a critical study of the development, scope, influence, and theories of mass communication in America.
Students in this course will approach public speeches and speech-making based on theory, performance and criticism. Students will both write and deliver their own addresses and learn principles for rhetorical criticism of others' speeches.
COM 290
Surveys genres and modalities of professional writing, including social media and writing for the web. Provides an overview of areas such as digital publishing, new media journalism, business and technical writing, and editing. Develops a rhetorical understanding of professional writing as the ability to write in response to elements including audience, purpose, medium, and design.
ENG 102 and permission of the instructor.
Study of media literacy, including techniques and strategies used to analyze the use of diverse media to inform, entertain, and sell. Examines diverse media messages in advertisements, television, film, newspapers, magazines, and the Internet.
An introduction to the major features of languages and to the structure, use, and variation in the sign languages and sign systems commonly used in the United States. The course will cover four major topics: (1) Language: The nature and definition of languages, the uniqueness of language, and contrasts between language and other forms of communication; (2) Language and Culture: The role of language in human society, with special focus on language acquisition, language identity, and bilingualism; (3) American Sign Language Structure: A survey of the major features of the linguistic structure of ASL. Topics are: Phonology: the structure of the physical signals; Morphology: the basic structure and composition of meaningful units of ASL; Syntax: word order and nonmanual syntactic signals in ASL sentences; (4) Language Variation: Language variation and language contact in the deaf community, including discussions of contact varieties of signing and systems for representing English.
Qualifying performance on the English assessment screening and passing ASL screening.
This course includes a study of quality of life components to assist students in realizing their maximal personal potential and taking responsibility for maintaining and improving the quality of life through their life span. The course emphasizes both the acquisition of knowledge and the practical application of the dimensions of wellness through participation in a program of planned activities for the development of a healthy lifestyle.
Pre- or co-requisite: GSR 102
This course includes concepts of event planning, management, leadership skills, and evaluation. This course is designed to develop students' familiarity with the special event program planning for recreation, physical education, and sports programming in diverse environments. Emphasis is placed on experiential learning through the actual planning and leadership of a community-based event within the Gallaudet or the greater deaf community, similar to a service-learning course.
PER 200 and PER Majors or Business Majors; or permission of the instructor
This course will cover teaching and leading theories and techniques necessary for planning and delivering physical activities and wellness programs that foster health enhancing active participation, within a comprehensive school environment. Emphasis is given to the principles of motor development; assessment techniques; and the psychomotor, cognitive, psychological, and social developmental needs of children of various ages, diversity, and abilities. Also included is an overview of the many education, community, and government organizations that provide and advocate for health enhancing physical activity participation.
PER 202, 203, 205, 232 and PER Majors Only; or Early Childhood Education Majors; or permission of the instructor.
An application of educational philosophy and principles to class organization, techniques of teaching, and the preparation of lesson and unit plans. The course includes methods for teaching on the middle school and secondary levels. In addition to class participation and peer teaching, teaching high school and/or intermediate/middle school physical education class(es) are planned. Students will also have opportunities to evaluate their teaching and the teaching of others using various evaluative tools and measures.
PER 202, 203, 204, 205 and PER 232; PER majors or Secondary Education majors only; or permission of the instructor
The course will consider the psychological development and psychosocial issues of Deaf people. Topics covered will include cognitive, linguistic, and personality development, mental health, and interpersonal behavior.
This course examines physical, emotional, social, cognitive, and language development from conception to the end of childhood. We will analyze the complexity of factors that contribute to developmental outcomes, including transactions between genetic and environmental factors. Developmental theory and research evidence will be used to address the well-being of children in the US and around the globe, with specific attention to inequities related to race, class, language, and culture.
C or better in PSY 210 or EDU major
A study of developmental processes in adolescence. Included is the study of puberty and the intellectual, social, moral, emotional, religious, sexual, personality, and family transitions occurring during this period. Emphasis is given to the influence of the above changes on personal identity and current problems of the adolescent in American society. Also included is a discussion of levels of aspiration and vocational choice.
C or better in PSY 210
A study of the developmental process from adulthood until death. Includes the establishment of identity, vocational choices, marriage and the family, crisis of middle adulthood, problems of the aged, death, and bereavement.
This course provides an overview of topics on sex and gender from a psychological perspective. The course provides a review of the empirical research and conceptual discussions surrounding gender and examines the implications of gender on relationships and health. Topics covered in this course include gender research, gender-role attitudes, sex differences, gender theory, and how gender influences and informs a variety of psychological issues. Emphasis is also given to the role of culture on psychology and gender.
A course on the developmental aspects of human sexuality in the context of human relationships. The course will include the social and learned influences on the development of gender identity and sexual orientation, a review of the anatomy and physiology of the reproductive system, human sexual response, modes of sexual expression, values clarification, sexual responsibility, human sexual dysfunction, and sexual adjustment during pregnancy, illness, and aging.
This course explores the concepts of race, ethnicity, and culture as they pertain to the study of psychology. We will make use of social, cognitive, and developmental psychological theories to explore what it means to live in a multicultural society. We will evaluate the construct of race, how children and adults come to make sense of race, and what utility it has for psychologists. We will examine how culture shapes our values, worldviews, and the ways we communicate with one another. We will examine how and why individuals stereotype, how stereotypes affect behavior, and how privilege and discrimination shape the lived experiences of racial and ethnic minorities as well as members of dominant groups. We will also examine the intersection of multiple social identities (e.g. what does it mean to be a Latina, lesbian woman.)
PSY 358
This 3 credit course will provide an introduction into Sexuality and Gender Studies. This course will use texts, articles, speakers, literature, and film to bring students to a deeper understanding of LGBTQ+ cultures and communities. This course will educate students on the central concepts of sexual orientation and gender identity within historical, political, and societal frameworks. Throughout this course, students will work towards an understanding of the intersectional dynamics of privilege and oppression as they relate to LGBTQ+ individuals and culture by exploring the lived experiences of LGBTQ+ individuals and their partners/families. Special attention will be given to each Unit on LGBTQ+ issues within the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Communities.
This introductory course explains sociological perspectives on gender. Focusing on American experiences with gender, the course covers gender socialization, gender roles, and gender inequality. This course also addresses ''nature vs. nurture'' debates, which seek to understand to what extend gender roles are formed by biology or society.
Permission of the instructor.
Required Health Equity Track Courses 20 credits
This track will focus on the equity aspect of the multidisplinary field of public health. It will include courses in psychology, sociology, and government. This is a good track for people who are interested in social justice with jobs that focuses on recongition, description, and elimination of health inequities. In addition, this track would prepare students for similar graduate schools.
This course covers discussion of the basic structures of American government (the Executive, Legislature and Judiciary), important processes such as elections and basic principles and theory of governance in the American system.
This course is an introduction to the profession of social work. It is the required first course for social work majors and is also open to students exploring the field of social work as a possible career. The course traces the historical development of the social work profession within the context of the social welfare system, introduces the generalist model of social work practice, surveys the major field of practice and populations served by social workers, and addresses the role of evaluation and research in the profession. Guest speakers from the community and field trips to community agencies provide exposure to programs and services and the roles of social workers.
Health Equity Track Electives 15 Credits
Choose 15 credits from the following:
This is an introductory survey to the field of Deaf Studies that highlights cutting edge concepts and theories at use in this field. The course will show how deaf people and sign languages are integral aspects of human diversity and how societies have responded to this diversity across different social, temporal, and cultural moments and movements.
ASL 125
This course will begin with developing an understanding of the concept of 'culture' and then will focus on the complexities and varieties of Deaf cultural experiences. Students will be asked to engage course materials through multi-disciplinary approaches in order to gain a critical appreciation of Deaf lives within historical, political and global contexts.
Grade of C or better in DST 203 or ASL 270 or permission of the instructor.
This course examines various forms of oppression by looking across different cultures and communities, then examines possible parallels occurring within the deaf community.
DST 101 or ASL 125
This course will introduce students to the field of Disability Studies. As an emerging interdisciplinary field of study, Disability Studies does not approach disability as a ''medical condition, but as a human condition'' (Charlton). Instead of studying the causes and rehabilitation of persons with disabilities, we will explore the historical, social, political, religious, philosophical, and cultural influences that ''construct'' the category of ''disability.'' We will also examine how persons with disabilities construct their own meanings and identities.
This course is the first part of a two-semester course sequence. This course combines an intensive study of the principles of grammar and usage of the language with exposure to various aspects of Francophone [French-speaking] culture(s), including the cultures of Deaf communities abroad. The course focuses on basic vocabulary building, reading, translation, and composition. A contrastive grammar approach will be incorporated, drawing upon elements of English and ASL, and French signs (LSF), as appropriate. When offered face to face, the course has four hours of classroom instruction plus an additional, required weekly hour in the department's Learning Laboratory. When offered on-line or as hybrid, the lab hour is part of the on-line component.
This course is an in-depth examination of the powers of government under the Constitution. Primary focus is upon Articles I through VII and topics such as judicial, legislative and executive powers; federalism; regulation of commerce and property rights; war powers.
This course will provide an in-depth look at equality in the US. Amendments 13, 14, 15 and 19 will be emphasized and the evolution of their interpretation in the Supreme Court will be studied. At the same time, the influence of movements for abolition, women's suffrage and women's rights, civil rights on the interpretation will be studied. In addition, current movement for equality in the disability and GLBT communities will be discussed.
An intensive examination of relationships among policy goals, policy strategies, and policy outcomes that lead to the allocation of societal resources (who gets what, when, where, and how). This course will identify the relationship between policy outcomes and the political institutions, political parties, interest groups, lobbyists, and the political environment.
The diverse beliefs of nations and classes, world divisions, and the racial rivalry reflected in various systems of law and politics all give changing meaning to such phrases as human rights and fundamental freedoms. This course will look at these rights and freedoms within the different belief systems, world divisions, and racial rivalries. Special attention will be given to the deaf communities in United States and their struggle to achieve full human rights and freedom.
This course serves as an introduction to psychopathology in adults and children. Students will be introduced to the classification used by psychologists, the Diagnostic Statistical Manual. Disorders such as anxiety disorders, mood disorders, schizophrenia, cognitive disorders, personality disorders and sexual and gender dysphoria will be covered. Historical background, causes, and some treatment approaches will also be included.
C or better in PSY 101 or Psychology major or minor
This course examines the influence of groups on the behavior of the individual both within US culture and across other world cultures. Both theoretical and experimental approaches are presented. Topics include altruism, aggression, health, attitudes, personal space, jury behavior, prejudice, conformity, and environmental issues.
C or better in PSY 210 or PSY 311
A study of racial and ethnic relations in the United States. The course focuses on the characteristics of various American racial and ethnic groups, some of the causes of racial/ethnic group oppression, and racial/ethnic group responses to oppression.
A survey of selected sociological topics related to deafness and deaf people. Socialization, education, inequality, diversity, and disability-related issues are among the topics discussed in this course.
A study of gender and social class inequality. The course emphasizes theoretical and conceptual issues related to inequality, characteristics of various social stratification systems, and minority group responses to social inequality.
This is the first part of a two-semester course sequence. This course combines an intensive study of the principles of grammar and usage of the language with basic vocabulary building, reading, composition, and translation of elementary texts. A contrastive grammar approach will be incorporated, drawing upon elements of English and ASL. Students will also be exposed to aspects of the target culture(s), including information on Deaf communities abroad. When offered face to face, the course has four hours of classroom instruction plus an additional, required weekly hour in the department's Learning Laboratory. When offered on-line or as hybrid, the lab hour is part of the on-line component.
Comparative study of three of the largest Latino communities in the United States: Chicanos, Cuban-Americans, and Puerto Ricans. Topics will include an exploration of the cultural identities of each of these communities, focusing notions of ethnicity, race, religion, as well as economic and social class distinctions. Taught in English.
The employment of Health Educators and Community Health Workers is expected to grow by a 7% rate from 2023-2033, with an average annual salary of $62,860. about career opportunities in health education, and community health.
The employment of Medical and Health Services Managers is expected to grow by an 29% rate from 2023-2033, with an average annual salary of $110,680. about career opportunities in medical and health service management.
Lecturer II
Associate Professor
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